Core Competency Self-Assessment


Clip from CLE 10 assignment: “Thinking About Our Phone Habits.”

The pasted clip above is from an assignment in our Planning 10 class. We were looking at our phone habits and why our phones are so important to us and it is because our devices link us to our social media and our friends, along with school courses and sports teams.

The clip above is a reminder of our constant online connection to our social word and it should be also be a reminder of the importance of social awareness and responsibility when we are online. It is harder to pick up on cues from people when you are online so we need consider how others are affected with what we post. We also need to be cautious and responsible about what we post about ourselves and others when we are online. We have been taught that it is okay to communicate and socialize online but do not post anything you would not want everyone to see. And it is important to always remember that once you post something, it is always there.

Personal Awareness & Responsibility: How I manage school-related stress!

I can prevent some school-related stress by creating a schedule for myself that addresses everything that I have to do and sets time aside to do each thing. Then I can tackle one thing at a time and know that, if I just try to follow my schedule, I will get through it all.

My support network is helpful to me because they will step in and offer their help when I am having trouble. My mom will help keep me organized and she will continuously make sure I am doing okay. My older brother and dad are also happy to help me out if I am stuck on something in a certain class.

When I get stuck on a problem, I have strategies for what to do next. The most important for me is taking a break from what I am doing to clear my head. Another option is moving on to another subject so that I work on something that is not as difficult. I usually find I get stuck on things much more when I am tired so I sometimes have to leave things until the next day and then try again.

Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include playing on multiple lacrosse and hockey teams where I get physical exercise and have fun with friends. I also find it is important to make sure I have some “down time” where I can just relax and do something I enjoy such as playing xbox or watching anime shows.