Core Competency SS10

Artifact chosen + Core Competency prompt

The artifact I chose was my WW1 newspaper project since it was one of my proudest piece of work in this class.

How do you come up with ideas when you want to make something new at school or at home? When I made my newspaper project I took a look at examples of what a newspaper would look in the era of early 1900’s. This gave me a good idea on what I could make when I go into my editor to make the paper of a event in WW1. The things I had ideas about were the font of my newspaper, using different fonts that would fit the era of newspapers. I also had ideas about side things on my newspaper like a crinkle and dusty look to it making it look like its an archive found many years later, adding some more quality into the work. My goal for the project was to use my skills that I already have in making the mock newspaper while following everything needed.

Some other ways I come up with ideas when I make things can be my past work, I take what I like from my past work and would find a way to add it into my current work without directly copying it onto the new project. An example for this is how I got my newspaper to look old, I took an idea from a past project I had in media & design and put it into my newspaper and it turned out well. I sometimes also come up with it in my head from a past memory of it such as a specific design for the newspaper, which I did when I was finding a font with searching it up. I usually do well when I also have fun with the work which is what I did when doing this project, I was able to mix stuff I learned in class with my skills and interests to make this project. I think overall I have many ways to generate ideas to use in my work and they were proven effective in my WW1 newspaper project.


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