Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Acid-Base Titration Lab

I demonstrated the critical and reflective thinking core competency in the acid-base titration lab. I demonstrated this core competency by analyzing the situation to make sure that we could have accurate results and answers. Specifically, I took the data from the first two trials, which we could not use in the final calculations, to refine and expedite the process when conducting the titration. The strategy that I used was to compare the trials to figure out how much was too much and I was successful in the following two trials and I could use those results for the final calculations. Following the conclusion of the trials, I used the critical thinking strategies to figure out how to use the data to make correct calculations. I used the knowledge that I had gained in the solutions unit to arrive at the final answer and be able to apply the lab to the discussion questions on the back. Finally, I used the critical thinking competency once more when writing my conclusion. When writing my conclusion, I had to infer and use my thinking skills to correctly identify the sources of error and implications of each. I did this by reflecting on the lab process and using my knowledge that I had gained previously. All in all, I demonstrated the thinking core competency fully throughout the acid-base titration lab.

Accounting 11 Critical and Reflective Thinking

Balance Sheet from Larry Loophole Assignment

I can gather, select, evaluate, and synthesize information. I consider alternative approaches and make strategic choices. I did this in my balance sheet by collecting the information from my trial balance and income statements and putting them in my statement in the proper format. I examine my thinking, seek feedback, reassess my work, and adjust. I did this when making my balance sheet by checking for errors and mistakes and fixing them based on the proper format.