PHE 10 AH Reflection

My Feelings

I feel pretty good this morning

Personal Health and Wellness

When I need to boost my mood or refocus, I will often take a short break or think through whatever is distracting me. Often, when I’m working on projects at home, I will take a short break, during which I will either just sit and listen to some music and think or go find my dog. When I feel distracted at school I try to think through whatever is distracting me so that I can get back to focusing on whatever it is that needs focusing on. If my mood is negative at school I take breaks and think of what I think will improve my mood, usually funny things my dog has done.

When I am sad, angry or frustrated, I take a breath and think of something other than the current situation or rationalize the current situation and why I am frustrated. This helps me be more productive and calm.

Core Competency Reflection

I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself.  I demonstrated this in class often when accomplishing a skill that I was practicing for a long time, such as a fake smash during our badminton unit.

I find it easy to be part of a group. I feel pretty good working with most anyone in my class. As far as I know have good relations with almost everyone in my class.

I recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully. I demonstrated this during our football unit when I disagreed with the QB about certain strategic decision.

I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behavior. During our team units I try to make sure to include and allow for every teammate to preform to the best of their abilities. 

The Simpsons

My Analysis

Creating And Communication

This unit assisted my learning about irony, satire, and allusion with an in class lesson on the three writing devices. In class we were explained to the definitions and then we were able to apply the definitions on The Simpsons show. In the show we were given many examples of sarcasm, situational irony, satire, and some allusions. Once we had seen some episodes, we did an in-class write about what were the factors to The Simpsons success. In the write, to refine my writing, I used the lessons we were taught on how write our best. As our teacher put it, “less is more”.

Core Competency Reflection

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in the in-class writing we did. In the write, I made reference to the episodes of The Simpsons we had watched when I made statements regarding the use of satire and irony.

I can describe how satire, irony and/or allusion relates to The Simpsons. In the In-class write, I was able to describe how the humor in The Simpsons was an amazing example of irony as almost every joke made has a deeper or hidden meaning.

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is in how I structured my paragraphs in the write. In earlier writes I had received feedback concerning the spacing of paragraphs in my writes, with them being long single paragraphs rather than separate shorter paragraphs per idea.