Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective thinking

Should our criminal justice system be more punitive or rehabilitative? Why? To answer this question we must ask ourselves what the results of each would be in a country like Canada. It is my belief the for the size of country and kind of country that Canada is it is better to be rehabilitative as if you try to punish all criminals, they are not always actually responsible and would likely take a long time based on the population size of Canada compared to amount of crimes being committed that each require individual court hearings. It is also sometimes the case that punishments ruled are not matching or fair compared to the crime or the circumstances behind the crime.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I had to do this during the Ganja queen assignment when I was asked whether I believed Ms. Corby to be innocent or guilty. I had to make use of the facts of the case we were made aware of as well as my understanding of the legal working of the Indonesians legal system.


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