
This is me and my partners breakfast hash. A breakfast hash is basically anything you want in it and into the oven. During this lab, I got to practice my knife skills. I was in charge of cutting the onion, pepper, bacon and garlic. The most challenging part about this lab is cooking the bacon. At first the bacon was fine in the pan but a few minutes later, it started sizzling. Both me and my partner tried flipping it but the oil from the bacon kept popping. This is were our communication skills were needed.

Communicating is a big apart of cooking, why? If you don’t talk to each other how are you gonna know what to do. Say you were cooking a full meal and nobody talked to each other. Who’s gonna cook this, who’s gonna prep that? The worse thing that could happen is you both end up cooking the same thing. That would just waste your time. Before me and my partner even started cooking we discussed what needed to be done and who was doing what. After agreeing on what each person does we got started. Like I was saying earlier about the bacon. I asked her what I should do and she told me to take it off the heat to let it cool so I could flip it and it worked. If I tried to do whatever I wanted and not discuss among my peers, it would be such chaos and it would never work out. I believe that communication is such a big part of cooking!


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