Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Reflection


During the presentation of connecting media and psychological disorder, I achieved the communication competency by, exchanging information from others about the different perspective of psychological disorder in different categories. Not only the information was gained, the interaction with others led to receiving feedbacks for a better result. In this team activity, we had to present to a total of two people. The listeners would then write two points they thought was good during the presentation and one feedback of what the presenter could do better.

Social Psychology Monopoly Assignment Reflection

The core competency that was demonstrated while making of the Monopoly Assignment in psychology class was, communication. I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experience by taking the lesson I learnt in class and applying it to the project. As well as, learning the vocabularies and examples while completing the assignment. The scenario write-up of this assignment shows how I can represent my learning. Additionally, I can share information about a topic of interest in a clear organized way by showcasing the lesson that we had learn and categorizing them into themes of colours.

Research Assignment Reflection

A core competency that I have demonstrated in terms of the research assignment was collaboration. I worked with a team to achieve a goal. The research project included a survey research, cross correlation table, and a conclusion which was a summery of the result of our statement. The survey question was based on a statement we believed that decreasing the usage of phones in class can increase our success rate for letter grades. Within collaboration with peers, it was efficient as creating the questions were all negotiated and the work was split the work equally.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

I can give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals.

In showcasing the lab I had done for Life Science 11, this can show my progress from before and after. Our first microscope lab was a test trial, as we examined a printed out letter ‘e’. I got familiar with microscope soon after and our class started our first live lab with an organism. As expected, the first lab didn’t go as well as the recent ones since, I had many questions on how to draw the organisms from a microscopic view. However, I improved over time with the feedbacks from peers and my teacher and worked on my goals to draw a more efficient organism. The picture above is a recent lab on examining a Hydra. In total we had to draw three different views of the Hydra. Not only have I improved on drawing, also the labelling and calculations of the organism took less time to figure out. As a result, my efficiency and accuracy of the microscopic drawing has advanced compare to the first lab.