About Me

My Bio

Hello, my name is Chelsea and I’m in 9th grade. I enjoy baking sweets, drawing, editing videos, and photos. I’m very interested in skin care products, shoes, and clothing. I don’t have a favourite subject at school at the moment but I am looking forward to Japanese because I love learning new languages, so that I can communicate with different people from different places. I would like to get into Volleyball and sign up for life guarding maybe next year, whenever I have a chance. My go-to drink is Lychee green tea bubble tea or anything peach flavoured. Whenever I have difficulty of working or when something is stressing me out, I tend to listen to piano music rather than something upbeat. I have many free time being at home, some of my hobbies are practising guitar, watching anime, and journaling my thoughts. I describe myself as quiet around new people, kind, caring, and energetic. I learn best visually, because I loose focus when there are too many writings. My goal for this year is to discuss and open up to new and different peoples.

My Favourite Website


This is my favourite website because I get many of my inspiration as in art, outfits, and to find out what I like. It’s a easy and convenient website to browse through your interest.

My Favourite Video

Cope with stress and studying

This video is from a movie called “Spirited Away”. It’s a beautiful film that I always suggest to watch. The soundtrack on this movie touches my heart, it helps me study better and I can easily fall asleep to this.

My Favourite Image

I remember looking in an old storage when I found a book full of a arts and masterpiece. One of the painting that caught my eyes was the “Cafe Terrace at Night” Honestly, I never understood the meaning behind paintings but this inspired me on how to express a certain feeling behind picture with colours and texture.

My Favourite Quote

“Once you’ve met someone you never really forget them.”

– Spirited Away (2001)

This quote becomes very relatable after I grew older. I had a close friend in Korea that I still remember from 8 years ago. I treasure my old letters and gifts from friends and families because its special for me to remember.


My favourite website: https://www.pinterest.ca

My favourite video: https://www.youtube.com/

My favourite image: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/35677022037714906/?nic_v2=1a6JybKb3

My favourite quote: https://yumetwins.com/news/inspiring-quotes-from-ghibli-characters