Spanish Conversation Reflection

Writing this conversation was overall fun. My partner and I came up with an entertaining conversation topic (gossip) and found ways that we could convey it in a way that we understand. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of seeking out past tense words when we hadn’t been taught them ourselves, so I wish we’d had the foresight to… figure out a conversation that would make sense without use of the past tense. As well as this, I found that it was sometimes hard to find ways to express our ideas through Spanish with the limited vocabulary and understanding we had. But I think we communicated well as a team and enjoyed the project in the process. All in all, I feel like I’ve learned a lot during this course.

English 12 Writing: Self-reflection

I struggled to formulate this paragraph. Looking at it now I can clearly see the awkward ways I worded and over-worded my ideas, there are some double word use that I don’t like, if I had known what pruning was I would have used that technique to improve the paragraph but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. I might have benefitted from changing the tense as well… Overall I can’t find much I’m happy with. In the future I’d like to continue to prune and practice using clean and concise ways of expressing ideas as well as better connect my points. It’s clear in my writing and my process that I struggle with that, but now that I’ve taken this class I think I’m on the right track towards improvement.

Social Dynamics and Tabletop Games: Reflection

Core Competency: Creative Thinking

In this class I used creative thinking during gameplay and group projects. By exercising my improvisation skills I was able to find clever ways to solve problems and roleplay amongst my group, next time I play this game I’ll try harder to play a character with more consistent behaviour to further enhance the experience. (found it hard to stay in character) All in all I had lot’s of fun! 😀

My dnd character Taffy McGuffin:

Stock Market: Self Assessment

Out of the two, my best performing stock was iShares CDN S&P, and worst was Vanguard Group, INC. both of which are ETF’s.

Since I don’t have any bonds, it would be smarter to buy bonds in order to balance out my portfolio incase the market crashes. I would say buying these ETFs was low risk because by buying ETF’s I’m buying shares from multiple different companies, which heightens my chances at a good return. Though if the companies bought were smaller companies I would call that high risk because smaller companies aren’t well established.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

I didn’t really have a strategy when picking stocks, I kind of just picked what I thought would have good return. Investing seems more useful than I initially thought it was, I had no idea that was the main way to get wealthy, in fact I thought it was sort of a bad thing, but I now realize it’s one of the best ways to stay afloat financially. Though still confusing to me, I feel like with some help I’ll be able to learn how to invest.

Memorable Food moment blog #foodsblock4

My most memorable food experience is making food with my classmates in the foods lab, it was really fun creating good food with them and working together. In the end we always got to eat it which was usually good-
I really liked how the the scones turned out too, they had the perfect biscuit texture and tasted delicious especially with the sugar and blueberry mix on top. The ‘Mac n Curry was really good, I didn’t expect it to win but I’m proud of it and all the other food’s that I made even if some weren’t great.
Just in general, Foods Studies has been the most memorable, I haven’t really had an interest in making food until I joined and I’m happy about the experience.