
In this project we were tasked with creating a self portrait in desmos ( graphing calculator) using a multitude of functions. Beginning with the creation of the face I used mainly linear functions and two quadratic functions combined with limitations to create its structure. For the eyes I used an ellipse function for the shape of the eye itself, an ellipse inequality for the iris to give it a soft colour, and another ellipse for the pupil. For the eye brows i used linear and quadratic functions again. The nose was made up entirely of linear and ellipse functions making use of inequalities to get the shape I wanted. The mouth used similar linear and quadratic functions that were used on previous features. The ears I made entirely linear functions because I thought that rounded ears ended up looking weird in combination with the square shaped head. The hair had two main components; firstly, the outline which was made up of both linear and quadratic functions.Additionally, the curls of the hair which purpose was to make the hair appear more realistic and not like it was lego. I only used ellipse functions and had to make full use of the limitations to make the curls realistic.The final component of the the self portrait was the neck. I utilized a hyperbola function to create the neck. The neck was difficult because it was hard to find the balance of x and y without looking like a monster or an ostrich. I also used the colour creation capabilities of desmos for my pupils, nose, and ears. Lastly I found that inequalities are the most important thing in the creation of this self portrait. In conclusion this project greatly increased my knowledge and application of desmos, transformations, and functions.


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