Breakfast Sandwiches

On Sept. 29th we designed and made our own breakfast sandwiches. This was very exciting because we got to choose what we put inside the breakfast sandwich as well as what we put in the scones! The day before we made them I planned out what I was going to put into my sandwich. I decided that inside the sandwich I would have bacon, a poached egg, arugula, avocado and some homemade hollandaise sauce. I also decided to mix cheese into the scones! The next thing I made sure I did was write out step by step how to make my sandwich, my goal was to make this breakfast sandwich very colourful and flavourful with taste as well as have it smell like an entire breakfast restaurant. I started the day of making the breakfast sandwich off by following the safety and sanitation rules and then collecting all the ingredients I needed to make it. The next thing I did was make my scones the exact same way I did last time but this time I added cheese into the mixture at the end before placing them in the oven. While the scones were in the oven I started to cook the bacon and then cut up the avocado and arugula. I put on oven mitts and carefully removed the scones from the oven, they were golden brown like last time but they now had a strong smell of cheese. When the bacon had been cooking on the stove for about 7 minutes I removed it and put it on a plate and then began to poach an egg. This was somewhat challenging because I never make poached eggs at home, when my egg was done cooking I created my hollandaise sauce which was so successful and tasted amazing. Then I assembled the whole sandwich together, it looked exactly how I wanted it to! It was so radiant in colour and felt soft and moist on the inside when I bit into it. I think my breakfast sandwich gets a 10/10 because it was so savoury and flavourful. I will definitely be using this recipe in the future. The last thing of the day that I did was wash, dry and put away the dishes.


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