My Factory Town Assignment

Creating a model factory town

Name of the town: White-On

Company Name: Off-Black 

Resources available: water, money, land, farmland, livestock

Elements of the town: wooden wall perimeter, abandoned mine, small lake, factory, mountain, desert 

Population: 666 

Explanation / Brief History: This town was discovered by European explorer who found a flat plot of land after climbing countless mountains and crossing many deserts. The explorer had a team of about 50 people. They set up camp at the flat plot of land. Later some mappers pass by and ask the people what this town is called. They all look at their boss and he replies, “On-White,” so the mapper writes it down on his map and continues walking. Mapper decided to publish his new map of the area and many people are intrigued by the unusual town. The town gets a lot of attention and people start to build houses there and a bar. Many years pass and the population grew. People have since built a cotton mill factory and are self sustained. The name was later changed to “White-On” because of a slight misunderstanding with a nearby hotel called Off-White. 

Media Fluency Reflection

  1. How was the ease of access in building the town, and what software did you use specifically? 

we used Minecraft, because it is a software that we are familiar with. the free play of Minecraft made it really easy to create a world and structures.

Were you able to apply the skills you learned in the planning stages appropriately to a digital environment?

Yes, I was able to apply my skills from the early planning stages that we learned.

What were the sources you researched that made this an “authentic make-believe” town?   

We took inspiration from Lyddie, and also used our imagination for what it would look like. we took our experience of building town and buildings in Minecraft, and applied that to the factory town.

Is there other software online that could have done the job better? Explain.

I don’t believe that there is a better software online for this, because there is no software that you can interact with like Minecraft, it is unique, for the reason that you can build whatever you want wherever you want.