Life Saving Measures

I learned a lot of things from 3 presentations, first one I learned which I believe is very important to know is the “Good Samaritan act” & Good Samaritan Drug overdose act”. Knowing these acts gives me a piece of mind knowing if I end up seeing a civilian needing help I wouldn’t have to be worried about trying to help them If something goes wrong. The cpr presentation really taught me a lot of valuable information, like learning the proper technique of how to properly do cpr on someone like making sure to press down hard enough where it breaks there ribs, and having to do it at a steady pace. Knowing this gives me more confidence in myself but has also taught me that in any given moment anyone could save a life by just trying. During the substance abuse presentation I learned that alcohol is poison, and the affects of having different types of alcohol on our body. During the Naloxone presentation I learned a lot about the Naloxone kit and when and how to use it to potentially save a life. With the presentation it showed where to get the kits in the case that it is safe to have one, I also learned how to observe someone and understand the signs of a opioid overdose. In conclusion, all together the presentations have greater my knowledge and preparedness for if I was to be in any situation, the cpr presentation gave me a sense of responsibility in case of emergency. The substance abuse one showed me how to show support to someone struggling in addiction while the naloxone has made me more aware of opioid crisis.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

If I was at a swimming pool and a little kid just drowned and got helped out of the water but is unconscious, I would know to take them to a dry area and perform cpr, I would first check if they are alert by shaking them by their shoulders, then rub there sternum to see if they could wake up, if not then I would start cpr, and ask another bystander to call 911. Knowing this in the situation could save a life.