R2 – ようかい

For my Yokai, I chose the Tsukumogami. I chose the Tsukumogami because they’re inanimate objects which become self-aware and alive after 100 years of existing. Tsukumogami are everyday objects that are possessed by spirits which come after 100 years of the items existence. The Tsukumogami could be evil and cause chaos but it could also live faithfully. To prevent evil spirits occupying objects, people would discard items before they reached 100 years old, this tradition was called “susu-harai”.

Japanese Yokai and Western creatures aren’t that different from each other, Yokais and Western creatures both exist as folklore and are pretty similar to each other. I personally do not believe in Yokais, monsters, or ghosts. I always think to myself that I would be dead already if monsters or ghosts existed because I’ll be mocking and teasing them to do something and nothing ever happens. Maybe one day my teasing will catch up to me and I’ll mysteriously pass away or disappear.


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