Core Competency Self-Assessment

Personal awareness and responsibility

This is the Organics unit. I am most proud of this unit because I was fully engaged and participated in all lessons. Before the unit test, I made sure to study hard and ask for help when I needed. In results of my studying and effort, I got a high grade on my test. I found interest in the unit from my peers and through the class. Something I would take away from this unit is the skills I gained in having more effort into learning and studying habits. I want to imply these skills to the next unit and continue studying hard therefore I can continue the good grades.

English First Peoples 11 Reflection 

My Artifact

Curricular Competencies Reflection

For my Artifact, I decided to choose the character infographic I made. I would put myself into the comprehend and Connect category. During the character assignment and lessons, I learned how to analyze characteristics such as speech, emotions, thoughts and more. In my infographic, I took a character from a story, “The Mountain Legend,” and analyzed the characteristics of the main character named Jason. I learned lots on characters and can demonstrate and show elements of characteristics on my own. I am proud of the effort I put into making the Infographic as well as the learning and engaging efforts I took to be able to make character analyzation on my own.

Core Competencies Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. 

During this assignment, I expanded in the Thinking category for core competencies. This assignment had lots to do with reading and thinking about texts to analyze characteristics of Jason. To analyze Jason, I read text and used some of his actions and words for evidence to decide his characteristics. I also had to think about the infographic theme to shape the character and story. Because the story setting is in a campground, I used the sticker tool to make a small camp scene on the bottom of my infographic.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in CLE 10

Resume making

See the source image

I participate in classroom activities that improve the class. This core competency applies to me since I fully participated and learned a important skill in life. I made my first resume, which needed improvement. When I imply what I’ve learned into a new resume, I was able to learn and understand better on what goes in a resume and create a much better one. A challenge with a resume is making sure to not add too much information about yourself while also making sure it isn’t too plain. Resumes are an important skill in life, since they can be the success or failure when applying to a job, a resume is your first impression to an employer. By listening in class, I am now able to write a resume on my own.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility: How I manage school-related stress

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I like to be able to take brain breaks and possibly focus on something new.

When I make mistakes, I don’t beat myself up. Instead I learn from my mistakes and apply them for next time.

I can prevent some school-related stress by refocusing on something calming, like listening to music or exercise.

Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include taking breaks from stressful things, good rest and nutrition.