R3 – Japan’s Judicial System

To me, “justice” means being fair in any situation/trial, and giving light to those who are usually misunderstood by enforcing human rights/laws. I do not agree with the treatment of convicts in Japan from what I saw in the videos. Most convicts are accused of guilty until proven innocent and a lot of times, even though convicts try to prove themselves innocent, the law system does not consider it at all. Convicts are also treated like prisoners, with almost no access to medical assistance and locked away in some situations just based on the “accusation” that could be fake. Comparing to Canada, Canada convicts are innocent until proven guilty. This means detailed investigations are conducted before judging a convict to be guilty. Convicts can have a defense lawyer in their trial, and most of the cases are judged and fought fairly. On the other hand, the Japanese government/police detectives can purposely change the report regardless of the lawyers words to make sure the convict remains guilty. Previously, I thought Japan was a very fair country, seeing the cleanliness and politeness of the country. But after watching the videos, I realize there is a really big problem in the government and justice system in Japan. Innocent citizens are being treated unfair and falsely accused behind closed doors and there needs to be change! Japanese ideas of justice can influence the animes and manga we watch. The animes could potentially “romanticize” the actual problem happening in Japan and paint a facade of a fair country.

R1 – じょすうし

Pros and Cons

After doing the reading exercise, I realized some pros of individual counters are that they tell the reader the context of the potential object being counted. Having a variety of counters in different categories creates an organized concept in the language. For example, just saying the number with the correct counter ending can already include the number, object, and counter (ex. pieces of, scoops of, etc.). There are some cons though. It may be confusing and difficult to learn as a beginner. There are just so many that it can feel overwhelming at times to memorize.

5 Different Counters

本 (ほん)- “stick-shaped or long” things (ex. pencils, eels, tails, nail clippers, icicles, etc.)
匹 (ひき) – small or medium-sized animals (ex. cats, monkeys, fish, prawns, shrimps, lobsters, etc.)
羽  (わ) – birds (ex. chickens, ostriches, peacocks, penguins, etc.) (exception: also counts for rabbits)
曲  (きょく) – songs (ex. “I sang 3 songs”)
雫 (しずく) – drips/drops (ex. “1 drop of tear”

English Counter

I think a counter I wished existed in English would be one similar to 果/菓 (か). This counter is used to count fruits in a more traditional/poetic way. (Usually, people would just use つ) I feel like it would be interesting to have this in Canada. A traditional way of counting fruit that only Canadians would know. The counter would be “eh” based on the comedic assumption that Canadians all say “eh”.

In the supermarket:
Mom: “How many apples do you want?”
Child: “10-eh!”

Continuation of Counters

Japan should continue using counters as there is no reason to stop using them in a country that has been functioning well with them. As long as people in Japan are being taught the counters, it would be simple to catch on if you live in the country. It may be hard for tourists or new residents of Japan to get the counters right, but it isn’t necessary to know. A simple action of holding up 2 fingers can get you around the market fine.

Core Competency Reflection

Personal Awareness and Responsibility

In Ceramics I can express my ideas through my pieces whether that is emotionally or through shapes and texture. Making the mood mug, I decided to have my mug to have a “mellow” emotion. Making this mug came with a lot of thinking. My past project had cracked in half because I did not carefully check the thickness of the journal cover. Knowing that it could have a negative outcome like the past project, I adjusted my actions when making the mug. I tried not to rush the process of making the mug shape and slab roll. I also made sure my actions of adding facial elements onto the mug were carefully placed and attached to avoid heaviness onto the piece. I appreciate feedback on my pieces and for this mug specifically, I had feedback in choosing the right glaze colours. Next time, I will keep the feedback in mind and carefully choose my glaze colours through research to have positive outcomes.


Part One

An aspect of learning Japanese that has been easy for me is being able to memorize the vocabulary and Kanji. I usually get almost all correct during the Kanji/Verb Quizzes because I memorize the stroke order, groups, and different forms beforehand. On the other hand, I find translating sentences hard. During tests, I find it difficult to make sentences as the grammar starts to get confusing. I would also forget certain grammar or vocabulary learnt in past years or units. After taking Japanese for a few years, my expectations have changed on class difficulty. In grade 9, I felt like everything was very simple and straight-forward. But then now taking the grade 12 course, I need to put more effort in studying for tests and quizzes. My goal for learning Japanese is to be able to have a conversation with someone who is fluent in Japanese and confidently understand and speak to them as well. I am working towards these goals by trying to listen to more Japanese podcasts to familiarize myself with recognizing words. That is also what I do outside of class to work on my Japanese.

Part Two


夏に働いたせいで友達と遊べない。私はキャンプで働いたら、たくさんお金を稼ぎます。でも、キャンプがわてから、姉と一緒に日本の旅行に行きます。私は石川にホームステイ家族を訪ねたいです。大学でビジネスを専攻します。そして、YouTube を初めてみたい。美味しいものビデオブログをするしかない!




These days, Mika doubts her boyfriend because he is being cold and selfish. Yesterday, she heard from an acquaintance that her boyfriend gave a present to her BFF. Help Mika!

Boyfriend buying gift for BFF





There is a lot of missing evidence so I am puzzled over this problem. Please find more evidence! In the relationship, are secrets kept? Is your boyfriend an honest person? Which do you trust more, your best friend, or acquaintance? (Of course your best friend right?) Do you trust your acquaintance? Rumours are spread far and wide.

Honestly, it seems you are suspicious of your boyfriend, but don’t assume he is a bad person. Do not break up with him. Find more evidence. When you talk with your best friend, please be mature and honest.

Good luck!

R1 – うらない

Sometimes, thoughts that surround a person can turn into beliefs as if you are tricking yourself into believing something. Looking at fortune, Blood types, and Horoscope sometimes they are accurate, but at times the description is a bit too common which makes me think that it is real. For example, one of the traits of a Gemini is indecisiveness, and although I believe I am indecisive, many other people also are. So for horoscopes I don’t believe in it but it is a fun way to get to know someone. As for blood types, I also don’t find it believable in the same way I find Horoscopes. Just because someone is born in a certain month or have one of the four types of blood, it cannot determine someone’s whole personality. On the other hand, I do believe in MBTI Personality Test. This is because there is a a whole test that someone needs to take to determine which personality they are. There are many questions and since I have taken it before, I do believe it is pretty accurate. A lot of information is provided as well and people can learn more about how they combat problems in life because of personality. But to everything there is an extent. There are only 16 personality types and although the test is accurate, people should not take the information to heart. Personalities can also change throughout one’s life.

I have been judged by my horoscope and personality type but in a joking matter. Some people say Gemini’s are two-faced and as a joke my sister would talk about that. As for my personality type, the judging was more so positive than negative. They would say.. “Oh you are ISFJ? That’s why you are so supportive!” which is positive. Overall, when talking about other people and their personality types, it is a good reminder to not make it their whole personality and the reasoning why the person did a certain action. For example we should not say things like “She cheated on her boyfriend? That is such an ESFP move. We should stay away from those types of people.” This is when things get overboard and hurtful.

Fortunes are still popular today because people are eager to learn about theirselves and possible future comings. They want to know the way others perceive them and if they are compatible with certain others. Or it can simply be for fun purposes and a good way to start making new friends. Looking more at the Japanese culture, it is fairly popular to go to a shrine during new years to find out your luck. This tradition still remains evident in the Japanese culture because people want to know their future luck and prosperity in the coming year.

I don’t believe in any superstitions but there are some that are in the Chinese culture I find interesting. On New Years, we give small mandarin oranges to others or just have some for ourselves. When we give it to others, it means we are giving good luck and prosperity. My family isn’t big on this, but my grandma would always give a lot to us. You can probably find 20 of them hidden around her small apartment as well! There is also another saying in which if you leave specks of rice in your bowl, your future spouse will have a lot of blemishes on their face. This is to encourage kids to eat everything in their bowl but of course is not guaranteed to happen.

Essay Writing

My Essay

Core Competency Reflection

I am clear on the difference between simple “group work” and collaboration as evidenced by the process leading up to this project. Most “group work” settings consists of delegating which section to each person and having a trust that each will do their part, but for our group it was different. Not only did we divide the parts but we also provided assistance to each others when writing the essay. When one of my group members was struggling with connecting his idea to the prompt about the book “Catcher in the Rye”, I helped him think of ideas by providing him my insights. We proofread each other’s work and we also worked together to form the introduction and conclusion.

If the group is not productive, we can refocus and also offer to help brainstorm in order to get things moving in the right direction. I suggested to have a call during the snow day in order to get our essay done and ready to hand in. In the call, a group member had a hard time focusing on the task and was still in the process of writing his idea for the paragraph. When I heard this, I offered to help brainstorm ideas he could possibly use for the prompt which allowed him to get back on track. He then finished the paragraph swiftly.

I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I asked for feedback from my group mates on my paragraph. I took their feedback well and used their suggestions to help edit and shape my paragraph to be even better than before. Many times I changed the approach to the paragraph which took a lot of trial and error, but I ended up finding the best possible way to respond to the prompt given. Going back to my notes, crossing off old ideas, and generating new points helped me refine my writing and improve my writing skills.

Goal: In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by…
I want to work on my communication and specifically this prompt. I want to work towards participating more in class discussions as it helps with deepening an understanding about the novel and also voicing out my thoughts and ideas as well. I think class discussions provide opportunities for one to be more engaged into the topic and in the end, more receive more insight about the topic. I will work toward this goal by participating more in class, even if it is just a small thought, having the courage to participate.

Anatomy & Physiology 12 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Digestive tract removal for piggy lab
Digestive tract of fetal pig – Piggy Lab Dissection


I demonstrated communication/collaboration because this lab required team work and support. We were able to communicate well as we would each give our ideas so that each partner knew what to do instead of being rash with self-made decisions. I listened to my partner’s thoughts on how we could take the esophagus out without ripping it, and I shared my ideas. We mutually agreed on a tactic to slide the tube out and we were successful. During the process of the lab, I also delegated roles and responsibilities. I took on more hands-on challenges, especially with touching the pig and the cutting of the skin, whereas my partner helped with handing me the tools and giving suggestions as I dissected. We worked hard to learn from our mistakes in the oral exam as well and shared our thoughts on which part was which in the pig.

Guitar 11/12 Core Competency Reflection

Thinking Competency

I used to think that playing certain guitar styles was challenging, and now I know it’s possible because I explored the importance of using class time and group practice time efficiently. When my 3-person group first received our song ‘The Elephant’ we found it difficult to match up as everyone was playing at different speeds and we would slow down when the notes were hard. I was able to overcome this with the constant practice of the areas I struggled in. I slowed down and made sure I played each note and rhythm correctly first. Then I sped up to match the original tempo of the song.

An example of a unique guitar idea I developed that was new to my peers is when I suggested using the program mentimeter for our group discussion for the Guitar Social Change Artist Presentation. It was not necessarily a musical idea, but it was for a guitar project. I thought that using mentimeter could help the audience engage better and more efficiently. This creative idea resulted in a positive impact as students were able to answer with full understanding and participation. We were able to hear everyones ideas and allowed them to show more interest in our presentation.

An example of where I built upon someone else’s guitar playing ideas is when my group mate suggested that during a certain section of the song, different parts would play louder/softer. I thought it was a good idea and built off of it by clearly marking who would be the main melody in which parts. My group mate’s suggestion was useful as I used it to help aid the group during practice.

Conics Project: Desmos Self-Portrait

I created my self portrait using various functions. I started out with my eyes using the formula for circles and using an inequality to shade it in. I then used quadratic functions (parabolas) to get an almond eye shape. The formula for circle is (x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 = r^2. Then to turn it into an ellipse, (x-a) and (y-b) will be numerators of a fraction over c^2 and d^2. This makes an oval shape shown in the nostrils. I used many linear functions as well (y=x) although not seen obviously, but all of the straight lines are linear functions. (Because the restrictions are small) I used cubic functions (y=x^3) for my hair because I think it illustrated the swoop of the side bangs well. I would restrict the cubic function to only keep the top of it before the dip down. An absolute value function was used in the lips as well (in the middle) shown as a small v and a tighter restriction. I used many parabolas (in the eyes, hair, and face shape) It may not look like a parabola at first, but it is because I expanded it and restricted the function to only show one side of the parabola. (Using a smaller number for expansion/compression, excluding reflection, will result in a wider parabola) Lastly, I used a hyperbola for my neck. What I think I did well was I highlighted what were my main features (including smile lines) and most of the lines matched up to my picture. What I would want to change is to connect the lines next time to be able to shade the face with more colour.