
空飛ぶダンボ (79)

左に行ってください。このみちをまっすぐいってください。はしをまがってください。(はしは左がわにあります。)このみちをまっすぐいってください。カウボーイクックハウスを右にまがってください。(カウボーイクックハウスは 62です。)



モンスターズインク ”ライド&ゴーシーク” (126)

右に行ってください。(モンスターズインク ”ライド&ゴーシーク”は迷子センターとベビーセンターの近くにあります。)

カラフルなモンスターのアイコン | かわいいフリー素材集 いらすとや

どうして?私は Mike Wazowski が好きです。ー番好きモンスターです。


プーさんのハニーハント (83)

右に行ってください。迷子センターとベビーセンターを右にまがってください。このみちをまっすぐいってください。プーさんのハイーハントはポップコーン (7) の前です。




カウボーイクックハウス (62)


カウガールのイラスト | かわいいフリー素材集 いらすとや



Personality (せいかく)



Appearance (みため)



Free Time (ひまなとき)



Strong Points/ Your skills (つよみ)



R1 – うらない

As I look at my horoscope, in some ways they are accurate or have some qualities that are the same, but in the same way, many of the characteristics are very broad. For example, being extroverted, being able to make new friends, having leadership, is qualities many people have. Which is why I don’t believe them. I don’t think being born in a certain month of the year affects a human’s personality traits. As for personality tests, it is more accurate as unlike horoscopes, or blood types, you are not born with it. One would have to do a test online going through many scenarios, which is why I do believe in the personality test (MBTI) more than horoscopes and blood types.

I have been judged but not in a direct or hurtful way. Classmates would ask what my horoscope is and even ask for the date as there is a specific moon. They would say that I was the “good” type of Gemini, and not the 2-faced kind because of the date which didn’t make sense to me. As well as on social media and TikTok, there are many videos showing how Gemini’s would act or a negative portrayal of them, but I would view on it for fun. I didn’t feel much because I know different people have different beliefs in horoscopes or not. I won’t take it seriously though as nothing impacted me negatively. Although if I was being judged negatively by someone because I was a Gemini, I would feel discriminated and in shock. I would be in shock because when someone makes friends with you, they shouldn’t judge you before they get to know you just based on someone’s astrological sign.

I think fortunes are still popular today because it is trendy especially for youth. It gives some joy and interest and also people can relate to it. They find it interesting that some aspects are also accurate. These types of topics are popular as it can also be a topic to bring up when meeting new people. Many people find joy when they find out they are the same type, or sign. Like “Oh you are Cancer too? Me too!” or “I am ESFP as well!” Like in Japan, how blood types are a topic to talk with others and to socialize.

Personally, I don’t believe in superstitions because of my religion but some jokes, or old Chinese sayings are that if you leave some spots or left over specks of rice in your bowl after eating, that will be the blemishes on your partner’s face. It encourages me to eat until there is none left in the bowl so that my future partner will have flawless skin.