About Me

My Bio

My name is Taylia, and I am in grade 9. Some words that describe me are cheerful, quiet, and friendly. I enjoy listening to music, specifically Korean Pop music, and I also like to play the sport Badminton. I like listening to music because I think it helps me focus on things, like when I am stressed, I can listen to a calmer song. I really like Badminton because it is a sport that needs a lot of technique and I want to improve in it as well. One of my best courses is Math because I actually enjoy learning it. I also feel good when I understand a concept or get an answer right. A course that isn’t my greatest would be Social Studies because sometimes I would add too much detail, and leave out the actual main answer. I learn best when I have a environment that won’t distract me because I get distracted very easily. Also I learn best when the environment is quiet, because when I hear loud noises and conversations, my mind focuses on those and floats away from my studying mind. If I were to show you what I know, the best way to do so would be trying to explain it by talking. Sometimes the topic would be hard to explain, so I would use pictures and point out the things I need to say. When I have difficulty with something, I would probably try to ask for help or figure it out on my own, since I am the type of person who wouldn’t want to bother someone else. I want to get better at time management this year because in grade 8 I would rush things in. This year I want to avoid procrastination and many other habits from last year.

My Favourite Website


YouTube is my favourite website because it is a website that I always visit. I chose it because I spend a lot of time watching videos, and I can watch funny or positive videos to brighten my mood. The videos that I usually watch are K-pop videos or some clips of movies and dramas. There are also other videos that come on recommended so I usually click around and see what is trending.

My Favourite Video

This video is from Tido Kang on YouTube. I chose this video because I always try to listen to these types of studying piano music when I need to focus on homework. This video relates to my goal since my goal is to try to time manage and not procrastinate. This studying piano music helps me focus on a project and makes me want to finish it right away.

My Favourite Image

This is an image of my favourite boy group BTS, which is a k-pop boy group. I got the image from https://www.insider.com/bts-united-nations-general-assembly-love-yourself-video-2020-9 . The reason why I picked this image was because this k-pop group is meaningful to me. It is meaningful because they put out a good message in their music, saying to Love Yourself, and to Speak Yourself. No matter where you come from, your gender, or your skin colour. It really inspires me because the lyrics in their songs relate to real life struggles in my life too.

My Favourite Quote

“I’ve had to accept that everyone cannot love me. Because when there’s love, there’s hate, when there’s light there’s dark. But it was really hard to accept as an artist that there’s a lot of people that hate me but, on the other side, there are many more people who love me. I think everyone goes through that.”


This quote was spoken by RM of BTS. This quote really speaks to me because it reminds me that life doesn’t always go how you perfectly plan it. It also let me think about life, and how there are people in my life who don’t like me because of what I did in the past. It makes me want to change and put things in the past behind. It also made me accept that bad times in life are normal, and that it comes and goes.


https://www.youtube.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ0kurZy1DE https://www.insider.com/bts-united-nations-general-assembly-love-yourself-video-2020-9 https://www.seventeen.com/celebrity/music/a28928893/best-bts-quotes/