Spanish Core-Competencies

First Spanish Dialogue

Bad quality image of our mark (26/29) (10/10 for acting, 7/10 for script, 9/9 for requirements)


To say our script was creative would be an understatement. We introduced elements of our script in a fun and engaging way involving lots of action. We started off in a basketball game where my character aggravates another character into pushing him. My partner thought that I’d simply stumble back, but I love method acting so I launched myself backwards. (Almost hitting my head on some desks.) That was just one of multiple moments in which I took my role to heart. Even if you don’t know any Spanish, you could gain a general understanding of what our script was about simply through our acting. Friendship, betrayal, redemption, our script had it all. Though we did lack slightly on the actual dialogue on our script, the intense energy we brought to our script made up for a majority of it. It was fun working with two people who don’t mind thinking outside of the box to create a fun script for not only ourselves but the class. I would gladly work with these two again. I’d also like to believe that our script was the most creative out of the class. Most scripts didn’t bring enough energy.


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