i chose this image because it reminds you to stay safe online
Instagram is one of the most famous social media apps in the world. Ranging around over 2 billion monthly active users compared to YouTube is 1.9 billion monthly active users. Instagram was made in 2010 and is owned by Facebook, also an incredibly famous social media app for older people. Instagram is a very cool app, but you have to keep one thing in mind which is your safety on Instagram because safety is a significant rule on social media. These are ways you can be safe on Instagram. one thing to never do is to have your phone number on your Instagram profile having a phone number on your profile is like leaking your address. A thing you should do when having an Instagram account is to keep your account on private and only letting people you know to see your account slash posts. Another thing to keep in mind of is linked accounts, linking your account to other social media apps gives random people The option of broadcasting your Instagram photos to a wide variety of networks and new audiences. And you don’t want that to happen. Next time you use social media keep in mind of your online safety and use these tips to enhance your safety online.
Personal/Social Core Competency Self-Assessment
Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include:
of only being on social media for a short period of time and I guess take a break after by going outside.
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are:
talking to my friends online, playing games with them and I guess talk to your online friends once a while
I make digital ethical choices such as…in order to…:
I make digital ethical choices such as not clicking on sus links. downloading random things and I guess not adding random people you don’t know
Work Cited
information: “5 Ways to Keep Your Instagram Profile Safe.” Naked Security, 22 June 2016, https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2016/06/22/5-ways-to-keep-your-instagram-profile-safe/.
image: joeheg. “How We Keep Ourselves Safe Online When We’re Traveling.” Your Mileage May Vary, 26 Mar. 2017, https://yourmileagemayvary.net/2017/03/26/how-we-keep-ourselves-safe-online-when-were-traveling/.