I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. This is true, as I am aware that asking questions is a vital part of the learning process. As a follow up to asking good questions like this, doing additional research to answer them is something which I do very well.
I can work with others to achieve a goal. I feel that I have good communication skills, in that I can exchange ideas well with my group members, and give logically sound explanations regarding my thoughts. Initially, in our group, we faced some difficulties choosing an animal mutation to research and learn about. After some discussion about the benefits of each possibility, we decided on one which we all agreed with.
I show others that I truly value their contributions by actively listening to what they have to say. In doing so, I become aware of ideas which I might have not considered previously, and encourage my group member by expanding on their contribution.
Others find my feedback useful because I am quite detailed in what I say to them. I am usually quite blunt, making it easier for them to interpret what exactly I would like to know about. This allows us all to gain a more solid understanding of the idea and our approach towards it.