Core Competency Self-Reflection (Communication)

I worked together with my group to answer a series of questions on the whiteboard in class. We had to work together to ensure that the questions were drawn properly then answered correctly. We bounced our ideas off of each other, and made sure that everybody was included and that no ideas were immediately dismissed without consideration.

Favorite Recipe

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Making and Sharing Reflection

I utilized the drop cookie method for this recipe. In other words, I used a teaspoon to place cookie batter onto the sheet. While this was the first time that I worked with my partner, it went rather well. We communicated efficiently and collaborated together to create a high quality product. I learnt that adding white sugar alongside the brown sugar would make them expand more, and that is useful knowledge because I love wide and flat cookies.

Core Competency Reflection

The ways I communicate while cooking differ from how I communicate at work because during work, we all have our independent tasks that must be completed, and they do not crossover much. However, in the kitchen, we may sometimes have separate tasks but they always unite to create one result. If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to listen respectfully to their opinions. I show others that I truly value their contributions by implementing their ideas into my work. The prompt that I want to improve on is “as an active listener, I notice that I…” To better my skills in that aspect, I want to participate more in class and retain more of the verbal information that is discussed. I want to work on this because I am not an audible learner, and it’s a pretty annoying weakness in some class settings.

Core Competency Goals

My first goal is to show others that I value their contribution on group projects by complimenting their work. My second goal is to improve the feedback that I give to others when they request it. My last goal is to help quieter people in a group be heard by asking for their opinions on ideas.

Les Films

Creative Thinking

I made a french poster of the movie “WreIt Ralph” which is known as “Les Mondes de Ralph” in french. I utilized creative thinking by designing the layout of poster, as I had to come up with a way of making it look nice while still including all of the necessary criteria.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical & Reflective Thinking

This assignment shows that I can analyze evidence to make judgements as I had to record several statistics regarding a random elemental sample that I was given. I had to use the few bits of information given to discover the rest of the answers that were required. I also received and acted on feedback in order to progress towards my goal. This was done by receiving feedback on what I did wrong from my teacher, and working on improving my mistakes until I was given the all-clear. I was able to gain the skill of perseverance through this activity, though I could still learn how to check over my own work better.

Core Competency: Communication

My Digital Photobook

This project involved designing a photobook on Microsoft Word about something that we are interested in. I choose to make mine about certain books that impacted me as a reader because it is a topic that I enjoy. I show that I can communicate purposefully, using forms and strategies I have practiced since I was able to present to the class clearly about a topic that I was familiar with, using strategies that I’ve developed through years of presenting for school. Something that challenged me regarding this core competency is that presenting makes me nervous, especially in front of so many people. This skill is important in daily life because it is crucial to be able to successfully communicate your ideas in both a school setting and a work setting, and this includes in a presenting format since many jobs will require you to speak in front of a group.

Mon Autobiographie


Curricular Competency Reflection

I had to use the strategies of utilizing my vocabulary sheet along with some other worksheets to successfully express myself. I had to use much more simple and basic language in comparison to the words that I would have used if I was writing in English. It was a bit frustrating to be limited in what I could say. It’s understandable that this could a difficult challenge for anyone coming to a foreign country.

Core Competency Reflection

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are learning how to restructure or reword sentences in the situation that I do not have the vocabulary to say it in French. When faced with ambiguity or setbacks, I use my worksheets to advance the development of my ideas. I am so curious about expressing myself in a different language that I am excited to learn more about new vocabulary to make it even better. I can work on communicating more clearly and purposefully in French. I want to work towards this goal because it could be useful, and I will achieve it by practicing my vocabulary.

Independent Novel Study Review

The Outsiders

outsider the book – Bing images

The Writing Process

This review was surprisingly easy to write. There is plenty to say about the book, so I did not have difficulty brainstorming things related to the themes presented within this novel. However it was difficult to categorize the events into the appropriate plot points. Some of the moments could have fit within more than one of those categorizes. I liked being able to share my thoughts on the book. However, I did not find much joy in presenting orally to the class. I overcame the challenge of presenting because otherwise my grades would suffer.

Core Competencies

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated by how I had to figure out the themes of the Outsiders based on what their actions where within the book. Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in how I had to concise my points about the book into a seven minute speech. An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is how to properly identify and categorize the structure of a book that I am reading. I hope to improve on my strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks because it is useful for projects, and I will practice this by visiting a variety of sources for research.