- Go to your setting on your phone
- Find Wifi
- You will see the SD43, SD43-S, and SD43-Guest
- Connect to the SD43-S Wifi
- After clicking on the SD43-S, it will take you to a page that requires you to enter your school user name and password
- Your user name should start with 076-, then put the first letter of your first name and your full last name. (just like logging into a school laptop or computer)
- Ater pressing Enter, you should be connected to the school Wifi (you can only connect to 2 devices with you school user name and password)
If you are having technical problems connecting to the school Wifi, try Forgetting the network or restarting your device. Try connecting to the Wifi after 30 mins to an hour.
You see, the thing is, is that in theory this works (as it should), but on step 5 it doesn’t actaully redirect you to the page you need to go on to sign in. I’ve been using the school wifi (Sd43-S) before coming to centennial and it was working just fine until I came here. It doesn’t really make sense since it works with my laptop just fine, so I believe it’s a platform issue, although it doesn’t really affect me anymore since now I just directly use my laptop as a hopspot to connect my phone.