About me

My bio

My name is Caelan, I’m in grade 9 and my classes right now are, Math and English. Some things I like to do are: go on hikes and play basketball. I also like to just explore and adventure any new place I visit. When I need to take my mind off something, or focus on something, I like to listen to music. For example, if I’m worrying about something, I will listen to music and it will take my mind off it and put it on something more chill. One thing I found out about myself last year: if I’m finished with a test and I “check” my work, I usually second guess right answers, but when I get the test back I can see all the simple mistakes I made, so I want to try listening to music before I check it and see if it helps. My favourite subjects are Math and Science. Math, because I usually pick up the concepts quite fast and I like the logic behind math concepts. Science, because I really enjoy certain topics that science teaches, like space. I like learning about space because I know so much about it already, so it’s more just a fun class, unless it’s about space tech, then I dislike it. My least favourite courses are probably English or Geography. English, because I usually have no interest in what we’re learning, so my work doesn’t show much interest. Geography, because I don’t really care learning about landmarks or other countries. I usually prefer a quiet classroom because it holds less distractions and helps me focus. This year, I am avoiding some of the bad habits form the years before, like procrastinating and not applying myself 100%. Outside of school, I like baking and decorating cakes. My most successful baking attempt so far was New York cheesecake from scratch. I also baked a super sized apple pie with a fancy braided pastry design from scratch. Who knows maybe I will be a future pastry chef or have a donut food truck. I have an older brother who is graduating at Centennial this year. I also have a tiny chihuahua. Her name is Smurfette and while she is super cute, she is not very smart and doesn’t know any tricks.

My favorite image

This is an image of overhead bungalows over the lagoon on Aitutaki Island, Cook Islands. My parents went there for their wedding. It is my favorite image because it reminds me of my childhood rides in the car with my dad. Every time the weather was bad and I was in the car with my dad, he would put this picture up on the dashboard to take our minds off the rain.

My favorite quote

The greatest discovery in life is self-discovery. Until you find yourself you will always be someone else. Become yourself.”– Myles Munroe 


This quote is by Myles Munroe, born 1954 April 20th- died 2014 November 9th.
This is my favorite quote because it makes me remember what’s my biggest rule; to never change who I am for anyone or anything; to be authentic and true to myself.

My favorite video


This is my favorite video because, it’s a hike I want to do. It’s a 10-hour hike that not many people get to do because it’s a challenging and long hike. It is called Panorama Ridge and it’s in Whistler, BC. Hiking Panorama Ridge is my goal because I like hiking and adventures and it would be a fun and challenging experience. It is possible to spot Grizzlies on this hike and that would make this hike one to remember. Also it will be a great accomplishment since not many people can say they’ve done it.

Favorite website


(I wouldn’t recommend opening this website due to pop-up ads)

This is my favorite website because it has free movies and tv shows sometimes before they get released to Netflix or other streaming sites. Whenever I want to watch a movie and it’s not on Netflix I can check here and more than half the time it’s here. Bonus, I can stream it for free.
