Our Utopian City: Newer York

Our Values

Family- Family ties are important, and that value is represented in the homes we have built around the city. The homes are medium sized, so families can all live together and stay connected. We chose this value because we believe that long lasting relationships in the family are important.

Education- The education of future generations is important and in included in our city’s values. The library stands at an area with lots of traffic, so students and passersby can simply pick up a book to read and study. We also provide education to each and every student to make sure that the future of the community is in good hands.

Safety- Feeling safe and secure is an important value to the city. The police station located downtown makes sure that the community feels safe and secure everywhere. Trusted people are employed to work at the police station, so they are approachable and can enforce laws effectively.

Freedom- Freedom is very important to have a happy community. The boat represents our value of freedom well because everyone has the right to travel. Also, everyone has freedom within the city because we are a tolerant and welcoming community that accepts people of all sorts.

Recreation- A community needs some relaxation and recreation to be successful. A golf course was added to make sure that the community is enjoying themselves and having fun. This helps spread the positivity and good vibes throughout the city.

Stone- We chose to build with a lot of stone because this represents the strong foundation and community we build and maintain in the city.

Leaves- We chose to use a lot of green leaves because they represent the growth and health of the community.

Communication Reflection

This project was about a utopian city that we would create based on some core values. We used Minecraft to make our city, and we pulled a city template from online and added in our own buildings to represent our values. We communicated well and took each other’s feedback well so we could contribute equally to the project. I was responsible for writing out our values and their symbolism, and we worked together on adding in our own buildings and coming up with values. We made sure that we both contributed well by assigning tasks and then making sure we were okay with them. We worked really well together and we finished our project quickly without stress. We made decisions together by talking to each other and then coming to an agreement. Fortunately, we did not come across any communication related challenges. I am very satisfied with the outcome of the project, and if I were to change anything, it would certainly be trivial.


Minecraft City Template: https://www.greenfieldmc.net


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