Group Work in Math

Pros/Cons of group work

I consider the major pro of group work is that everyone brings something to the table in terms of skill and ideas. it also often will provide motivations to get tasks done on time as you know others are relying on you to get it done as well. A con that may arise is that that work can end up being split unevenly and can result in some members “piggybacking” off of their group members (luckily, we did not have this issue during our project).

Core competencies

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to have periodic check-ins with my group members to make sure they are on track and things are running smoothly and everyone knows their roles.

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to look at things from their perspective to see if there are alterations that need to be made to how we’re running things or if it is a disagreement brought upon by something small that is easily resolved.

I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see, tasks getting done, members asking other members about progress or other question they may have about their own or the other’s tasks. I also know things are getting done as I check how the projects looks before I go t sleep and ask to see how peoples progress is.

If the group is not productive, we can discuss what may be interfering with their ability to complete their tasks, such as other schoolwork, to get things moving in the right direction. I also offer to provide assistance if there are other issues such as a lack of understanding of the subject matter.

Learnings in Group Work

In this semester I learned that preplanning and making sure everyone knows their roles and deadlines provides very good results. I also learned that its often better for me personally to ask everyone to provide their ideas on how they would like things to look and then compile them in such a way that works with everyone in the group.


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