My Future Career

My Future Career

With the information that I have learned I was able to narrow my career path to two different professions; Dentist/orthodontist and Accountant. To become a dentist I will have to take many sciences and high level math during my time in centennial if I do not want to take the courses in university. Some of the classes that I will need to take are Chemistry 12, Bio 12, and math 12 foundations or higher. Then once I am in university I will have to do four normal years studies then I will be eligible to apply to the dentistry program. After these four years i will be able to become a dentist but if I want to make more money or go into more specific areas it will take another 2-4 years. To become an Accountant I can take accounting during high school which will give me a better understanding about what accounting is and how it is done. Once I am in university I will need an under graduate degree which will take 4 years and then once I finish that I will be able to apply to a accounting program. Therefore I am prepared for the long journey of becoming a working adult.

Core Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I chose this core competency because during projects when I would find new information I would cross reference it with other information networks to see what was true or not. I also used my own digression in what I though was realistic.

I can reflect on my thinking. I also chose this core competency because I showcased this many times over this course. I was able to look back on things I was doing and improve upon the things that I struggled with.

I give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals. During this course I have Been working toward many different goals. My teacher and peers have given me information on how I should accomplish them and this has helped me complete my goals

I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigations is a core competency in which I would like to work on. Sometimes when I think the way I am doing things is right I will ignore other ways that I could possible use which has lead me to get less information at times. I will start looking into other ways of investigating information to better my understanding of different subjects.


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