Rustic Bread

On Oct. 1st we made rustic bread to go with our shakshuka, this bread was so easy to make because all we had to do was follow the quick bread method, so we didn’t run into any challenges! There also is barely any ingredients in the recipe which made it a lot healthier then a typical bread format he grocery store. We followed the safety and sanitation rules and then I collected the ingredients from the supply table while my partner set up our kitchen. I started by sifting the flour with the yeast and salt into a large bowl while my partner measured warm water in a liquid measure at eye level. We poured the water into the flour mixture and then combined it with a wooden spoon until it looked “scraggy”. This bread takes two days to make so we covered it with plastic wrap and let the dough rest until foods class the next day, the day after all we had to do was dust the dough with a touch of flour and then preheat the oven to 450 degrees. We baked the bread for about 20 minutes with a lid over the casserole dish and then we took the lid off and baked it until it was golden brown. Once I removed the bread from the oven it smelled like an entire bakery, it was moist and soft on the inside while being crispy and crunchy on the outside. I would definitely make and eat this bread again because it was one of the best breads I have ever tasted. It also went really well with the shakshuka that we also made. I think that this bread would get a 7/10 on nutrition because it has hardly any sugar in it and it also doesn’t have a lot of other ingredients.


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