American Revolution

Media Fluency Reflection

1. How was the ease of access in building your flipbook, despite this being the free and limited version of the software? It was a good even with the limited version of the software. I would like it to be easer to manipulate but it still worked well for me.

2. Were you able to apply the skills you learned in the planning stages appropriately to a digital environment? I believed I was able to do so to the best of my ability’s with the knowledge I have. The flipbook turned out the way I planned it to with focusing o what needed to be done.

3. What were the sources you researched that made this an “authentic make-believe” American Revolution flipbook? The sources I used are also on my flipbook.
I was unable to put one of the sources I used on here but it is on my flipbook.

4. Is there other software online that could have done the job better? Did you use another software instead? Explain. I believe flipsnack was the best software I could use for what I had in mind . My flipbook turned out the way I wanted it to and flipsnack was fun to use. I love to try out new softwares when I have the chance to do so.

My storyboard

Tim Burton, in Edward Scissorhands, used Edward scaring Kim scene to introduce Kim into the movie and to show that Kim has the most real reaction compared to everyone ells in

order to show that Kim has the most real reaction to anyone ells in the movie and to show the connection Kim and Edward share in order to achieve the purpose of showing Kim’s unique personality to the audience. For example, in my

own interpretation, I ­­­­­­­changed how the characters looked to fit with the technology/programming I could use on the website i used to create this storyboard.

Because the website did not have a person with scissors as hands to use as Edward and so I used lighting as the scissors because I could not find scissors and that is only one thing I changed but I will not say any more things I changed because it is strait forward to find what I changed if you washed the movie and if you did not watch the movie Edward Scissorhands I suggest you do. The cinematic choice of this carton is as similar to the original movie as I could make it .

This adaptation from film to visual novel taught me that there is a lot more than I expected that go’s in to a movie than I thought like how everything has to be in a perfect place and angel and how there is so much editing just to make one picture in a carton and then there is so much more editing in a movie. Making a movie takes so much work and I only made one scene from a movie and it took a lot of work. The interpretation / viewpoint / technical elements are not all there in my carton but I did my best with the website I was given to use and the time line I had. thank you for taking your time to read my blog about my English 9 assignment .

Most challenging foods lab

This is a veggie pot pie. It smelled like cooked veggie and pastry. It looked like a pot pie but some of the filling came out onto the top. You could hear the filling bubbling. The veggie pot pie tasted like it was veggie soup for the filling and the biscuit tasted exactly like it should. It was warm, the pastry was flaky, the filling was creamy. I chose this as the most challenging foods lab because we had to make a biscuit and the filling, and we had to make sure everything was cooked all the way through, but it trend out good. Yes we meet the product standards for this dish because the biscuit was flaky and savoury. The filling meet the product standards because it was creamy and the veggies were cooked all the way through. The preparations for this dish went well.

Most successful foods lab

We made a Mac and cheese tocos. You could smell the cheese and ground beef. It looked like a toco and looked appealing. As you took a bite you could here the toco shell crunch. It tasted Mexican, it was really tasty. The shell was hard and the Mac and cheese was creamy. It was amazing to see how well it turned out. I chose this for my most successful foods lab because it tasted so good and it was hard but turned out good. The finale product was good because we each did are part and we had grate communication. We meet the product standers for this because it tasted Mexican, hard shell, soft inside, and looked appealing. The challenges we had to faces were cooking with raw meet and making sure we were all communicating with each other. The final product was so much better than expected, we dint know if it would taste good together, but we took a chance and it was amazing.

Favourite foods lab

This is a thin crust skillet pizza that me and my partner made. It smelled like tomatoes and cheese. It looked really appealing, and tasted grate, it looked exactly like it should, and tasted exactly how I like it. The crust was thin and crunchy, the toppings were yummy and nicely cooked. When we took out the pizza it you could hear it cracking, when that happens it means it is done. The challenging part was Getting the dough to the right thickness. We overcome this by asking questions and asking for help when we need it. The communication was really good in this lab. With out good communication this pizza would not have been as good as it was. This is my favourite foods lab because I love pizza and it was so fun to make. I am vary happy we made pizzas, now I can cook them at home for my family.

Breakfast home lab

I made a breakfast hash for my breakfast home lab, I call it breakfast hash galore. The potatoes were fork tender, everything was cooked fairly well. It was flavourful and nicely seasoned. The aroma was savoury with a hint of parsley. I like the way it trend out, I think it looks good. I chose to make this over the other 3 because my family really likes breakfast hash, so I made a a breakfast hash. A challenge that I had to overcome was that I usually under cook potatoes. I overcame this by setting a timer to check if the potatoes are done and I looked up how long it takes to cook potatoes. My greatest success in this dish was the potatoes they were perfectly cooked. The breakfast hash was really tasty. It could of looked more appealing, but it looked ok. My family all liked the breakfast that I made.

Breakfast hash- Communication

The breakfast hash that we made was delicious. Are knife skills were good. We cut everything into the proper sizes. I fell like we could of cooked it less, but it was good. I will definitely make this again.

This is the breakfast hash

Communication is vary important in the kitchen. You need to communicate with your partner/group so you can get things done in the most efficient way. Good communication is when everyone is doing something productive to help with what you are cooking. If someone is not being productive it will effect everyone you are working with. There is always something to do in the kitchen. If you are not communicating with your partner/group you could have to much of something and not enough of something else. It could also get to crowded in the kitchen if you are not communicating with your partner/group. So don’t forget to use your communication in the kitchen. If me and my partner did not communication the breakfast hash would not have beef as good as it was.

Safety and Sanitation

This lab went well for me. It was my first time making an omelet and it was so good. I put in the right amount of sauté veggies in the omelet, but the egg was a little overcooked. It still tasted grate. I would definitely recommend making this omelet to everyone that likes to cook.

This is the omelet that I made.

Safety is vary important when cooking. If you don’t know how to be safe in the kitchen you can get hurt. To make sure that I did not get hurt when making this omelet I learn how to properly hold a knife, and how to cut the food that was need for this recipe. If you don’t use a knife properly you could cut yourself. Sanitation is also vary important when cooking so you need to put an apron on, tie your hair back if needed, roll your sleeves up, have your recipe out, all of the equipment and ingredients are out, and last but not lest wash your hands. Always wash your hands before you start cooking so your food dose not get dirty and so you don’t get sick. So always make sure you are safe and you make sure you did all of those sanitation steps up above. Stay safe in the kitchen

About me

My bio

My name is Samantha

I am 13 years old turning 14 in December. I have 4 fish and a dog. My dog’s name is Lando. He is 2 years old. He was born in Mexico, then he lived in Texas for a year then we got him. My fish are 1 fire fish, 1 blue green chromis fish, and 2 clown fish. I play 2 sports lacrosse, and vaulting. I have been playing lacrosse for 3 and 1/2 years and vaulting for 1 year. My favourite food is sushi. I like to bake, ride my bike, and hang out with my friends. the most important thing to me is my family. when I am having troubles with something I usually ask for help or take a minute to breath and try again.

My favourite website


I use this website to help with my spelling and grammar. I find it vary helpful.

My favourite video

Confidence is something I need more of, and this video remindes me that I can be more confident if that is what I want. I watch this video when I need more confidence like when I am giving a presentation, performing in a competition, or any time.

My favourite image

This is one of my favourite images because it reminds me of camping. Camping is one of my favourite things to do in the spring, summer and fall. I am always happiest when I am camping.

My favourite quote

If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore.

-Michele Ruiz

This quote means a lot to me because I need to hear sometimes, everyone needs to hear this at some point.

