My Inquiry
For my inquiry this semester, I had originally decided to do something related to Good Health & Wellbeing, but then switched to something more focused on Climate Action, as I felt that it could tie into some of the other goals of the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and thus be more effective and interesting to do a project related to. For this, I decided to write a novel focused on children aged 7-12, which would give them an interesting perspective into sort of ‘the modern climate situation’ in an interesting and captivating matter.

The above is a small part of the so far 7 chapter book I have been writing for part of this semester.
Curricular Reflection
So far, one challenge I have faced is being able to consistently work on my project, as I sometimes find it difficult to manage many assignments simultaneously, however I’ve been able to drastically improve my work habits and prioritize my commitments. At one point, I shifted my inquiry focus from researching about Good Health & Wellbeing to writing a book about the effects of climate change, in a very child-friendly yet informative way. Moving forward, I would like to eventually publish this book, and continue to learn more about the interesting topics of the science of climate change.
Core Competency Reflection
I deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head.
An example of how I have seen growth in this competency this semester is when I shifted my area of focus rather substantially, which shows that I follow the ideas and topics that I am most interested in researching and developing my knowledge in. I have also further developed my creative abilities by being able to develop small ideas like a simple book idea of a young boy, into a fascinating, well-progressed (thus far) book.
I give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals.
An example of how I have grown in this core competency this semester is many times when I have received useful insight from others regarding my book. I have asked many friends and some teacher about what they think could use some improvement in the book, and I have been able to incorporate many of their ideas within the book, or keep them in the back of my mind for adding them into the story later, as it continues to progress. In order to reach my goal of creating the best possible book possible, I understand that accepting and acting on constructive criticism is paramount.