Environmental Studies Academy (ES Academy)

Application and more information

Environmental Studies 10 Academy

This Academy will take place in the first semester, combining 6 courses- Physical and Health Education 10, Career Life Education 10, Science 10, Social Studies 10, Earth Science 11, and Outdoor Leadership 11 – into a full-day, fully immersive program. This program aims to enrich students understanding of content and curricular competencies through nature-based activities and interactive field research. This program will involve both day and overnight trips to places within British Columbia, incorporating activities like hiking, canoeing, camping and more. Not only will you leave this program with credit for 6 courses, but life skills you cannot learn in a classroom. Please see the course descriptions for more information on specific courses within the program. There is an additional course fee of $350 for this Academy. There is an application process to be selected to the program. Applications will be distributed January/February.


Environmental Studies 11/12 Academy

This Academy will take place in the second semester, combining 6 courses- BC First Nations 12, Environmental Science 11/12, BC First Peoples English 11/12, Life Sciences 11, Outdoor Education 11/12 and Outdoor Leadership 11/12 into a full-day, fully immersive program. This program aims to enrich students’ understanding of content and curricular competencies through nature-based activities and interactive field research. This program will involve both day and overnight trips to places within British Columbia, incorporating activities like hiking, canoeing, camping and more. Not only will you leave this program with credit for 6 courses, but life skills students cannot learn in a classroom. There is an application process to be selected for the program. Applications will be distributed January/February. There is an additional course fee of $600 for this Academy.

Open to: Grade 11 and 12 students based on application and acceptance in to the program. 
