Science Honours
Science 9 & 10 Honours
These two classes taken in grade 9 allow academically strong students to accelerate, thereby providing some additional preparation time for the Advanced Placement science courses in their grade 12 year. Grade 9 students in the Honours program are enrolled in Science 9 Honours in the fall semester. In the second semester of their grade 9 year, students then take Science 10 Honours. In grade 10, students would take one or more grade 11 level science courses followed by grade 12 level courses in grade 11. In their grade 12 year, students would be eligible to choose from a variety of AP Seminar science courses. Please note that this is a separate application form from the Math 10 Honours course. APPLICATIONS CLOSE FEB. 10 @ 4pm.
The application link is:
It can also be found on our website under Publications or use the QR code to access.