Life Saving Measures

3 takeaways from the CPR, substance abuse, and/or Naloxone Presentations

A takeaway i took away from the CPR presentation was the good samaritan act. The act means that if you are doing CPR on a individual while you are waiting for emergency services to arrive, you are not responsible for the liability for negligence, as respect for trying to revive the individual. This is an act that is only effective in Canada, its not effective in the United States, so if a event like this that puts you in a situation like this in the United States, you will be responsible for the liability for the individual. I took away that in the United States, never put yourself in that situation, wait for emergency services. From the substance abuse situation with the VGH nurse, i took away a lot of things about alcohol. A thing i took away was that when i go to a party that involves alcohol, i should at least know 25% of the people at the party and at least one friend should be sober and a responsible person should be a designated driver. Another thing about alcohol was that if someone passes out while drinking make sure they are conscious and awake, and turn them on to their side so they don’t choke on their own puke. The last thing i learned from that presentation was about vaping and how their are substance in vapes like washer fluid, car exhaust, and other chemicals that we don’t even know what they are. The impact these topics have on my life because i had an uncle who had an addiction to alcohol, and it effected are family severely, with tragic events that happened. It’s very sensitive to my family when we see a family member going down that path as well. With CPR also, my uncle passed away last year and his friend who found him had to perform CPR on him because he found him in his house unconscious and unfortunately he passed away. The takeaways from these presentation impacted me seriously and i now have more knowledge and am aware of important things and acts that are needed.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection 

I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them. I do this by with my beliefs of the good samaritan act, if i saw a dying person in the united states and i knew if i tired to save them i would be responsible if they didn’t survived. I wouldn’t try to revive them because i’m look out for myself and don’t want to be liable. With someone else though their beliefs may not fit with mine because if they saw a dying person in the states they would probably try to save them out of being a good person and don’t want to see one die, which i can consider their point of view and beliefs on that point. Those two beliefs are different and show that i have my own beliefs and i can consider those who don’t fit with mine.


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