What’s The Word Around Town?


Was I able to identify how the geography impact the town / city with ease? How was I able to find how the physical geography impacted these areas?

Yes i was able to identify how the geography impact the town i chose. I found all my answers for the physical geography in my notes and research.

How did the technology personally affect my learning? What were the pros and cons of using maphub.com?

Map-hub was pretty straight forward and easy to use after watching the instruction video. The pros of map-hub is easy to use and fast and efficient, I had no problems with the site when using it for the ADl project. I would definitely use map-hub again for any further projects/assignments.

Were you satisfied with the result of your design and solutions?

yes i was satisfied with the overall look of the map, i made sure it looked clean and the points were organized and easy to understand.

How would you refine your assignment in the future?

I would refine it by doing more research on the points rather than going off of my notes, other than that i wouldn’t change anything else about my project.















About Me

My Bio

Hi My name is Madison and i am in grade nine here at centennial secondary. My best courses this year are Science, Math and Food studies and my challenging courses this year are Socials studies and Spanish. when i’m having difficulty with something i will try to understand it myself first if that doesn’t work then i will ask my peers for help or ask my teacher. Finally some words that describe me are Wild, Kind, Honest and Brave.

My Favourite Image

I choose this picture because it is my from my favourite series Glee. It’s the ending of their final episode in season 6 and it just makes me happy whenever i see it.

My Favourite Website


I enjoy visiting site because i always shop here and they have great and large selection of clothing for women , But it’s a little expensive but worth it.

My Favourite Quote

“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud” -Maya Angelou

This is important to me because any one cold be having a rough day but by simply smiling or saying “Hi” and asking how they’re doing could make someones day and put a rainbow in their cloud.

My Favourite Video


this video is from glee singing “Don’t stop Believin'” and this helps me with my goal to be on the HPL team for soccer. This song tells me that i should not give up or believe that my goals over if i make a mistake in soccer. This tells me that i should work hard and have a positive attitude every practice and game and when so, good things will happen.




