Women’s Fitness and Conditioning Reflection

  • What are you enjoying in this course?

I enjoy doing Zumba classes at poirer because they are so fun and you get a good sweat in the class. I also enjoy doing nature walks because we get fresh air and it’s a good source of cardio.

  • Is there anything want to see more or less of? 

I would like to see more of Zumba classes at poirer because I really enjoyed it and we only did it once but I would like to see more of it

  • What are your goals for the back half of the semester?

My goals are to improve my fitness strength and be fully active during the class even though I already am active during all classes I want to maintain and go harder when I can.

  • What grade do you believe you are at? And why? 

I believe I am at a 92% because I consistently try hard on every class and I’m always positive and wearing gym strip though there are times where my shoe choice may not be gym strip ready but I have improved myself and haven’t worn them to gym since, I think this is an appropriate grade for women’s fitness.