English 12: Writing Self-Reflection

Curricular Response


“The soldiers in “Hero of War” come to a clearer realization of the horrors of war than the soldiers in “Disposable Heroes” who carry on blindly. In “Hero of War,” gives a clear representation of the brutality of war. It shows a soldier who gets recruited. He was excited to join and ready to be a hero for his country, though it took a quick turn as soon as he started. He saw the horror from soldiers, as soldiers disrespected one soldier and “pissed in his hands” and then proceeded to join in. He knew the action was wrong but continued to do it. “Hero of War” gave a sense reality of the killing of soldiers and how they were forced into doing orders, they didn’t agree on. As “Hero of War” states “she walked through bullets and haze.” “She” can be represented as a metaphor for country and is shown as the country fighting for its life and home. “I asked her to stop, I begged her to stay, but she pressed on, so I lifted my gun and I fired away.” The soldier is forced into killing all the soldiers in this country and they press him, but he doesn’t want to do it but he wants to follow orders as others did and be “a hero of war.” “Hero of War” glamorizes war in a way because after every horrific act they commit as soldiers, he feels everyone will “be damn proud of me.” The soldier brought home medals and scars after the war but he also brought home his home flag. This flag now “gathers with dust” as the soldier felt he couldn’t do it anymore. He couldn’t go through another war being forced to follow through with disturbing orders, and seeing the brutality of soldiers and what war is really like. On the contrary, “Disposable Heroes” has a more cold, blunt side of war. The soldiers are shown to be used and discarded as the title states. “Disposable Heroes” shows the same perspective for each soldier. “Now an empty shell,” tells how the soldiers are emotionless with no soul just as a bullet shell is empty with no souls or emotions. The soldiers are desensitized as the “barking of a machine gun, does nothing to me now.” They feel nothing, they are in a routine, and know what they have to do. “Bred to kill, not to care,” the soldiers know their only purpose out on the battlefield is to kill and have no fear. Though the soldiers know nothing else than the battlefield. They were born into this and were “molded day by day” into preparing for war. The soldiers went through hell and they saw it as that, “Disposable Heroes” shows how used and discarded the soldiers were, whereas “Hero of War,” showed the glamorization of going into war but more of the emotion shown through the war as compared to the blunt emotionless soldiers in “Disposable Heroes.” The soldiers in “Hero of War” come to a clearer realization of the horrors of war than the soldiers in “Disposable Heroes” who carry on blindly.”

This paragraph reflects my weaknesses by I did too many quotations and it just became a generalization, I explained too much and didn’t contrast the two songs. My organization of this paragraph was strong with the structure. To add, my So what? was also good, I would say my strengths when I am doing a piece of writing is the setup and structure and my main ideas. This paragraph was difficult and it took me awhile but I tried my best and managed to get a B plus on this piece of writing. This wasn’t my best piece of writing but i took note and have improved from this paragraph on my other writing pieces.

Core Competency Self Reflection

Think generally about you and writing: describe what writing is like for you? easy? Hard? Why is it easy or hard? Or what specific parts are easy or hard? Or what kinds of writing is easier or more enjoyable for you than others? Do you write outside of a formal school situation? How ? when? What is that like?

Writing for me is easy when i understand the concept or idea of what i am writing. If i don’t know any of that, its quite hard for me to get a grasp of what to write and how to write it. I would say for me writing literary paragraphs is enjoyable for me because its a simple paragraph with quotations and not a lot of though or writing has to go into it. Essays would be the least enjoyable because it is a lot of writing and organization and there has to be some thought put into it. To add, I do not write outside of school, writing isn’t my favourite, i only do it when i have too. I would say overall, i enjoyed writing in English 12, even though some topics were difficult, but i got through it and did pretty good on my writing assignments.

Life Saving Measures

3 takeaways from the CPR, substance abuse, and/or Naloxone Presentations

A takeaway i took away from the CPR presentation was the good samaritan act. The act means that if you are doing CPR on a individual while you are waiting for emergency services to arrive, you are not responsible for the liability for negligence, as respect for trying to revive the individual. This is an act that is only effective in Canada, its not effective in the United States, so if a event like this that puts you in a situation like this in the United States, you will be responsible for the liability for the individual. I took away that in the United States, never put yourself in that situation, wait for emergency services. From the substance abuse situation with the VGH nurse, i took away a lot of things about alcohol. A thing i took away was that when i go to a party that involves alcohol, i should at least know 25% of the people at the party and at least one friend should be sober and a responsible person should be a designated driver. Another thing about alcohol was that if someone passes out while drinking make sure they are conscious and awake, and turn them on to their side so they don’t choke on their own puke. The last thing i learned from that presentation was about vaping and how their are substance in vapes like washer fluid, car exhaust, and other chemicals that we don’t even know what they are. The impact these topics have on my life because i had an uncle who had an addiction to alcohol, and it effected are family severely, with tragic events that happened. It’s very sensitive to my family when we see a family member going down that path as well. With CPR also, my uncle passed away last year and his friend who found him had to perform CPR on him because he found him in his house unconscious and unfortunately he passed away. The takeaways from these presentation impacted me seriously and i now have more knowledge and am aware of important things and acts that are needed.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection 

I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them. I do this by with my beliefs of the good samaritan act, if i saw a dying person in the united states and i knew if i tired to save them i would be responsible if they didn’t survived. I wouldn’t try to revive them because i’m look out for myself and don’t want to be liable. With someone else though their beliefs may not fit with mine because if they saw a dying person in the states they would probably try to save them out of being a good person and don’t want to see one die, which i can consider their point of view and beliefs on that point. Those two beliefs are different and show that i have my own beliefs and i can consider those who don’t fit with mine.

Math 11 Foundations Stats Self Assessment

Something new I learned is the standard deviation of an equation. It Is a measure of how dispersed the data is in relation to the mean. Low standard deviation means data are clustered around the mean, and high standard deviation indicates data are more spread out. A thing I well understood in this unit was a – scores I understood them quickly and they were fun do to do in equations, word problems and creating the formula for it, they helps me out a lot and I was able to make good use of them to solve problems. A challenge this unit was normal distribution, I didn’t quite understand it that easily and I struggled a bit but I tried my best to understand the whole concept but it was a hard thing for me to grasp in this unit. And finally something I would like to work on for our next unit is just keeping up with my homework because it’s a big resource in these units and understanding and completing the homework will help me when we are doing problems in class and when it comes to tests or quizzes it will help me out alot.

Women’s Fitness and Conditioning Reflection

  • What are you enjoying in this course?

I enjoy doing Zumba classes at poirer because they are so fun and you get a good sweat in the class. I also enjoy doing nature walks because we get fresh air and it’s a good source of cardio.

  • Is there anything want to see more or less of? 

I would like to see more of Zumba classes at poirer because I really enjoyed it and we only did it once but I would like to see more of it

  • What are your goals for the back half of the semester?

My goals are to improve my fitness strength and be fully active during the class even though I already am active during all classes I want to maintain and go harder when I can.

  • What grade do you believe you are at? And why? 

I believe I am at a 92% because I consistently try hard on every class and I’m always positive and wearing gym strip though there are times where my shoe choice may not be gym strip ready but I have improved myself and haven’t worn them to gym since, I think this is an appropriate grade for women’s fitness.

Romeo and Juliet Reflection

What I learned from reading the play about myself and society in general is that in society today, there isn’t that stigma between being in love or associating yourselves with people of a lower class. In Romeo and Juliet, their love was forbidden, it was shameful that a Capulet and a Montague were in love, they were not allowed to associate themselves together, with each other, in their town of Verona. Romeo was a Montague, of the poorer class, and Juliet a Capulet, of the upper rich class. Their different classes separated their ability to be truly together, to live ‘happily ever after.’ Even though Romeo and Juliet were in love and wanted to be together, they had to sneak around and keep their relationship a secret from the public because if anyone found out they were seeing each other, a penalty or consequence would occur. In society now, there is not that stigma or the rule of different classes of people associating with each other or being in love. Today, there is so much more freedom to be yourself or being with whoever, you want. Money is not such a factor, and lesser worries about society status and discrimination.
In reflecting back on the play, I feel Shakespeare wanted us to learn that love can take people to extreme levels, perform unexpected actions. Romeo and Juliet were madly in love, a romantic love, it became even more extreme when Romeo got banished from Verona, Juliet then became so distraught, not wanting to live anymore, wanting to kill herself. Ultimately at the end of the play, both Romeo and Juliet killed themselves because of their distraught emotions of losing each other, and the inability to be together. Their actions showed how connected they were as well as the sadness that encompassed them both knowing they could not be together, all which lead to the self-inflicted death of Romeo and Juliet.
One should never have to ever go to this level for love; people in love should be allowed to show emotions and be together. This is how society is today, vastly different from Shakespearean times, which is a good thing!
Overall, the play of Romeo and Juliet taught us about the discrimination between classes back then versus now in society. The play also taught us many lessons and many of these lessons were about love. The feeling of love is a warm and joyous feeling every person wants to feel and experience in their lifetime with another human. In no way should it be taken to the extreme that one’s feeling of love is so high that one would take their life for the other.