R4 – Supaidaman

Western Spider-Man is quite diverse due to coming out in the 60s and being loved from the start and still being relevant to this day – having Spider-Man 2 coming out recently. He’s been loved due to having a humble personality, being in school, and being relatable (not being a multi-billionaire – Tony Stark aka Iron Man, an alien – Thor Odinson, or a professor that has seven PhDs by the age of 35 – Bruce Banner aka Hulk). Eastern Japanese Supaidaman was only on air for a year before it was retracted back to Marvel studios so it didn’t gain the kind of traction that Spider-Man had. He seemed a lot less relatable as he had a mech and a motorcycle, and unrealistic scenarios that helped with ratings but in the long run just seemed goofy.

There were parts that made me laugh but not as much with the show as it was laughing at the show. This was due to them showing the same angle / replayed the same few seconds again and again or had random zooms to show emphasis. The death of characters in the show were done poorly as well, only bending over or “ragdolling” in unrealistic ways that a body would contort. I also found it funny when Ms. Illing told us that the action figure for Supaidaman’s mech was stolen at the beginning of production so they only had one shot of it in the desert and they use it in every shot of the mech being on screen is in the desert which was comical.

I would recommend the show to others if they enjoy a good laugh or a shallower type show (rather than a K-drama that you would need to be fully invested in to understand). You could pick up almost anywhere in the series and still be able to understand what’s going on (due to them repeating everything every episode).

I think certain social media would still stand in future generations such as Twitter (X), Instagram, or YouTube due to their functions and how enjoyable they are to use. Other forms of media such as cable, would go out of service due to cheaper, more affordable streaming services, like Netflix (or another standardized streaming service that rises above the rest). Newspapers are almost completely discontinued but in some parts of the world they are still popular (such as my beach house in Australia), which is a shame as I think they are quite convenient to get the weekly news and a good way to wake up. I believe that formal media and the way formal things work (in the business world) won’t change much or at all because email, resumes, work ethic are all very standard ways of doing things and there isn’t anything wrong with it. Lastly, I think future generations will think some of our memes will be cringe or strange due to humor being more based on generation rather than anything else.


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