Harajuku Fashion

I think that the styles in Japan are quite different and not considered normal here in Canada. I think these styles would be less popular in Canada, in Canada they’re is more of a structured fashion more or less, with a couple exceptions. With Harajuku fashion it seems like you can have 2 extremes trending at the same time, and almost nothing is out of style. It seems a lot freer in Harajuku people don’t judge kids for wearing clothing from the opposite gender. I like most of the styles in Harajuku fashion. I think that since the past generations we’re so certain and exact that all of they’re children are looking for a way to represent themselves. People have grown up with no way to express themselves, fashion gives them a way to do that. Fashion is fairly important too me because its the image you put out for everyone to see. Impressions are built on the image we put out. Lots of small things influence my fashion but there are no large contributors. I wouldn’t change anything about my style even if I had the opportunity.