Son of a Trickster – Personal Connection Piece

My Movie

Curricular Competency Reflection

How did your journals support your preparation for your final assessments?

It helped my organize individual pieces of information. By doing this, I was able to collect that information and idea and use it for my other assignment. It’s an easy access of information that i can understand because I put it together.

b. How did the graphic organizer help you connect your novel(s) with the sub-themes?

I had different ideas and key points that helped me understand what the sub theme may be. For example, at first I thought my novels sub theme was identity but as I wrote down key points and ideas, I could see that the sub theme was actually relationships.

c. How did participating in the circle help you formulate your ideas for the essay write?

I could get an idea of how others may see the book, I could use that on myself and my own book. I noticed how thy might come up with certain ideas or how they may use their critical thinking skills. I gathered these ideas and kept it in mind for when it came to writing the essay.

d. How did you choose what you would do to create the personal connection piece?

I knew that I could use my creative thinking skills and apply that to the personal connection piece. I also knew that I can apply my knowledge of how to write to my piece as well and that exactly what I did.

Core Competency Reflection

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus I listen to music to stay on task or to concentrate. I also try to get things done on time so I can get things done and have nothing left to do. I re-focus when I gather up my idea and thoughts and then get back to working.

I appreciate feedback on assignments, projects etc and prefer it comes in the form of a criteria sheet or from an actual teacher. I always like it when they advise ways to improve so I can improve in my writing or just in general.

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are by improving my work by using the feedback to improve. I have also gained more confidence from developing those skills and applying it to multiple things. These things could be either my school work or at work etc.


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