Child Care & Development Self – Reflection

Critical And Reflective

I’m open to different ideas like when we did our parent workshop for ages 7-12 presentation, when we created it we got out into groups of 4. We each split up our jobs and we started brainstorming ideas for our workshop. They were all great ideas and I kept an open mind for all of them and with all of our ideas we came up with, we collaborated some together. We at the end of our presentation came up with doing a jeopardy game to get our class thinking and working together. It was an idea I didn’t even think of and would’ve never thought of for an activity to get our class thinking. It was a great idea made by one of my partners in the project. At first I was questioning how it would work, but once she elaborated more on it, I was very open to it and it worked out really well for our group and our classmates. I’m not a close minded person, I am always open to different ideas that differ from mine. With this project, they was a lot of brainstorming we had to do to make this project work and receive a good grade for this project. I’m the end we received an amazing mark on this workshop project because of are ability to work together give ideas and form them together. 

Positive Positive Personal and Cultural Identity

My strengths as a leader contribute to a community because when we are put into group projects such as our toy making project, our workshop project, and our birthing method project. I always take initiative into splitting up jobs evenly, giving people responsibilities and helping those out in need. I’m a very open person and love to help others out, I like being in the leader position because I keep things organized. I also, make sure everyone is involved in group projects and things get completed and handed in on time. With our group projects we have done, we have received amazing marks on them because our group has worked together and they have worked in areas that they have strengths in. With being a leader I like to put people into positions that they thrive and have strength in. I want to see people do what they love and can show off their work in. That’s what a leader mentality should be like for everyone in that position. With my help and leader mentality in the classroom, I help people grow and we get to collaborate together ideas as a group and make a project that reflects all group members. That’s why my strengths as a leader contributes to my community.

Creative Thinking

Since learning about birthing methods in the class, I’ve spent a lot of time diving deep into the birthing method I would prefer to use when I have kids in the future. They are multiple methods to birthing a child into this world. We have learned so many such as natural, water birth, c-section, forceps, etc. We even did a birthing project that had our parents explain what birthday method they used and how their experience was. It got me thinking, about what I want and what would fit me best. I did some research throughout this class and discovered that I want a natural birth with an epidural. Even though, I know epidural experiences are a hit or miss, If my pain gets really bad I want a epidural for it. I’ve done research on natural births and they are the most healthy ways of giving birth for me and my baby and they have a low percentage of complications. If worst comes to worst I will do a c – section, but with my deep diving, I’ve come to the sense I want a natural birth and epidural.