PHE 10 AH Reflection

My Product

When I come to class each day I tend to feel ready to go.

PHE 10 AH Reflection

Throughout PHE I am able to help my own mental well being and participate to the best of my ability in activity’s set for that day. When I need to boost my mood or re-focus I find that engaging with friends or hanging out with them helps me the best. When I am sad, angry or frustrated, going for walks or a bike ride either by myself or with others, really helps boost my mood and clears my head of anything bad, while doing this, I can also stay fit and active. I respectfully advocate for my needs by helping others when they need it which then in turn I can have that conversation with them when I really need it.

To celebrate accomplishments such as performing better then I thought, in an assignment or activity, I normally talk to my family members or congratulate myself by doing something that I enjoy. Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically health include, going for bike rides or active activity’s after school, and putting in my best effort to sports in PHE. I make ethical choices such as assisting with setting up sport activity’s before class in order to help get the class going earlier, and to feel as though I took part in something that helps others. Some of my traits and skills that make me a leader in the area of physical health include maintaining a healthy lifestyle and making sure I get the proper amount of physical activity, I need each day. Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include, reading the ingredients of food that I put into my body, or making sure that the activity I get, is what I need for that day.

Core Competency Reflection

When I participate in the different units in PHE I am able to improve my mental health while boosting my overall mood. When I help set up the activity’s planned for that day, then I can participate in activity’s that I enjoy. I am able to take responsibility for my my health, by making smart choices and managing my food intake and daily exercise. I can also manage my emotions and control my feelings by taking time by myself and doing something I enjoy. Overall in PHE 10 I have been able to take responsibility and learning about caring for my health and well being.


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