First Peoples English 11

My Writing

Written Essay on Thunderheart

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this:

While writing my past essays in class, (which were hand written) I was able to make judgments from them along with previous assignments. As well as other written pieces I had completed before in order to get a understanding of the best way to improve upon various areas. For example if I found that a certain sentence structure was not really fitting where I had proposed it to be, then the next time I could watch out for that specific error. While using these steps I am able to demonstrate a better understanding of where I went wrong and the best way I could use to fix that issue.

I appreciate feedback on, and prefer it comes in the form of:

While writing my typed English homework/essay, I appreciated the feedback from my English teacher as he was able to directly highlight the area that needed improvement and add a comment beside me work. This was very helpful as I was able to see exactly where I went wrong and how to fix it for next time, rather then a broad comment at the bottom. I feel as though this feedback allowed me to think of a solution to the issue in that written piece and then utilize a new method for the next assessment.

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include:

When writing our various essays whether they had been written or typed I found it most useful to review the text of movie we had reviewed for a second time. To gather quotes and key points not noticed while watching/reading the first time. While collecting this information and planning where I wanted to include it in my essay structure I was able to have a better idea of the formatting I wanted to use. Then, when writing my essay in class with a time limit. I was better prepared because I had already though about where everything should go. So, I could just write it out without having to stop and wonder how to join the pieces of information together.

Critical and Reflective Thinking:

One goal I have moving forwards, is to keep reading the feedback. Even though I may find it annoying to read things I did wrong. It was very useful to read through the comments fully, then use the constructed feedback to improve my writing quality. If I continue doing this I can slowly improve in various areas because I will be able to learn from my mistakes and hopefully not repeat those same mistakes again.

PHE 10 AH Reflection

My Product

When I come to class each day I tend to feel ready to go.

PHE 10 AH Reflection

Throughout PHE I am able to help my own mental well being and participate to the best of my ability in activity’s set for that day. When I need to boost my mood or re-focus I find that engaging with friends or hanging out with them helps me the best. When I am sad, angry or frustrated, going for walks or a bike ride either by myself or with others, really helps boost my mood and clears my head of anything bad, while doing this, I can also stay fit and active. I respectfully advocate for my needs by helping others when they need it which then in turn I can have that conversation with them when I really need it.

To celebrate accomplishments such as performing better then I thought, in an assignment or activity, I normally talk to my family members or congratulate myself by doing something that I enjoy. Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically health include, going for bike rides or active activity’s after school, and putting in my best effort to sports in PHE. I make ethical choices such as assisting with setting up sport activity’s before class in order to help get the class going earlier, and to feel as though I took part in something that helps others. Some of my traits and skills that make me a leader in the area of physical health include maintaining a healthy lifestyle and making sure I get the proper amount of physical activity, I need each day. Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include, reading the ingredients of food that I put into my body, or making sure that the activity I get, is what I need for that day.

Core Competency Reflection

When I participate in the different units in PHE I am able to improve my mental health while boosting my overall mood. When I help set up the activity’s planned for that day, then I can participate in activity’s that I enjoy. I am able to take responsibility for my my health, by making smart choices and managing my food intake and daily exercise. I can also manage my emotions and control my feelings by taking time by myself and doing something I enjoy. Overall in PHE 10 I have been able to take responsibility and learning about caring for my health and well being.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication (Group work)

I demonstrated communication in creative writing, by participating in group work. Some of the ways I demonstrated communication was; when we got the opportunity to engage in group work. When I was in a group and we were working on the, “Paragraph assignment,” Our group worked well by each reading bit of the mini story’s, then communicating in a conversation after, to answer the following questions based on the text. To contribute evenly we each gave our ideas to answer the questions to the best of our ability then each wrote down the contributed thoughts. I feel I helped contribute quite a bit, but a way I could improve upon could be sharing more of my thoughts, even if I am not one-hundred percent sure they are correct. 

Make Group Work, Work | Gradifying (