Natural Selection Critical Thinking Self-Assessment

In the feeding frenzy lab we are all assigned different environment, and we are also each given a feeding tool; spoon, soork head, knife, spoon handle, and chopsticks. In this lab i got to display my creative thinking because i was given a knife and it was hard for me to gather the food. So i would rush to the best spot to gather the food and also push people out of the way. This didn’t really get me anywhere considering i barely gathered anyfood in the different environments but i did better than the others. I found that the spoon and the spork were the most sucessful and  they gathered the most food. After all this lab was really helpful because it helped me visualize darwin’s theories on natural selection and helped me understand it better. It also helped me demonstrate that i can collect and analyze when i used the data collected to answer the questions the lab was asking.