Our Utopian City

Crystal City


Happiness: Happiness is a big value for us and we think it is very important for people to be happy, and the colour for happiness is yellow in our city, and they can be found on the trees.

Environment: The environment is also an important value for us and we have built greenhouses all over the city and they are used to grow plants in and we also have trees all over our city.

Safety: Safety is our number one priority and we have 2 police stations and 2 hospitals, they could be found on the top left and the top right. Blue and Red represent safety in our city.

Education: Education is very important for young kids and we have a school built in our city (the brown building on the bottom left.

Family: Family is also quite important and we have it as one of our five values and we have light blue representing it and light blue is on the flag and the kids that are playing in the snow are also wearing blue clothing.

Communication Reflection

For this Project me and Owen Teamed up to make a Utopian city, we used the city creator website and made sure we took and advantage of the time that was given to us. We didn’t split up the responsibilities so that we could both voice our opinions about the whole project and that we were both going to be satisfied with the final product, and to communicate we used Snapchat to contact each other if needed. We worked very fast and efficiently and didn’t face any problems along the way. After we were done with the design I took a photo of the city and put it photoshop and gave it a few final touches, I colored the Ambulance, Police car, Police station, and the hospital. We were both satisfied with the final product and there is nothing to improve for next time. 

My Digital Footprint

Creating a Positive Digital Footprint

I used Canva to create this poster because they have a a lot of options to make your poster and a lot of features that are helpful. This design is short and brief and is supposed to give you a bit of an understanding on how you should protect your Digital Footprint and that you should make sure that you have a positive online persona.

Personal/Social Competency Reflection

I know that my digital footprint can cause both positive and negative consequences so I choose to keep my private life off social media and not post about everything I’m doing. So that when I go to get a job I don’t need to worry about my online persona costing me the job because I have nothing bad on there and it’s all positive. It’s not bad if you post but it’s also not good if you are posting everything you are doing especially things you don’t want your parents to see, because if you don’t want your parents to see it that means you probably don’t want your boss to see it either.

Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include thinking before posting. I don’t usually post Instagram photos or snapchat stories because no need to, but when I do post I make sure it’s not inappropriate and I wouldn’t mind anyone seeing it. And to keep a healthy online presence I choose not to comment on sensitive topics that people are talking about, because I don’t want to offend or hurt anyone.

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are by not asking super personal questions, like questions about their families and questions about where exactly they are located. The reason I do this is because I wouldn’t want someone asking me those questions so that most likely means other people don’t want to be asked it either, And you have to think about them differently and not like you grew up with them your whole life. Because at the end of the day you don’t know the person in real life and they shouldn’t know all about your life.

all the pictures used in the digital poster were public on google

blue footprint: http://www.clker.com/clipart-baby-feet-blue-6.html

information and second picture on the poster: https://www.edutopia.org/blog/digital-citizenship-need-to-know-vicki-davis



My American Revolution Flipbook


Median Fluency Reflection

A. How was the ease of access in building your flipbook, despite this being the free and limited version of the software?

B. Were you able to apply the skills you learned in the planning stages appropriately to a digital environment?

 C. What were the sources you researched that made this an “authentic make-believe” American Revolution flipbook?

D. Is there other software online that could have done the job better? Did you use another software instead? Explain.


A. It wasn’t hard, It was pretty straight forward and simple. You don’t really miss out on much considering it’s the free version. All the things that needed a subscription were for team projects.

B. Not really. I didn’t really have a planning stage and I just went as I went along and changed my process and change my ideas. But not having a plan put me back a few times, I had to delete all my work because I would get lost and would want to change it up.

C. I personally used the History.Com website they have a really easy layout and simple stuff. To be honest for the dates I just used Wikipedia because all I needed was the persons birthday and death-date.

D. Not in my opinion. Flipsnack is pretty easy and straight forward and for this project I don’t think any other softwares would have been better. But a close second is PowerPoint because PowerPoint is also really easy to use and really straight forward.

About me

My Bio

Hi, My name is Zhya and I am 14 years old. Some things you need to know about me is that I love Math and Computers. I like anything that has to do with computers. The summer before 9th grade I built my own computer. I have been obsessed with computers my whole life which is why I want to have a career in video game designing and software engineering when the time comes. When I’m having a difficulty I tend to take a step back, and look at thing from a different perspective.

my Favourite Website


I like YouTube because I can go on there for entertainment and educational purposes

This video means a lot to me because it inspires me. The reason this video inspires me is because Elon Musk is one of my heroes and seeing what he had to go through and what he needed to do to become that successful inspires me.

This picture inspires me because Michael Jordan is my favourite basketball player and in this picture he did something no one thought he could do.

“If you quit once it becomes a habit

don’t quit”

– Michael jordan

Like I said once Michael Jordan is my favourite basket ball player and he is one of my heroes. This inspires me to to try my best and always be the best i could be and to never quit.


