Trillium: Poetry In Voice Reflection

My Poem

Curricular Competency Reflection

I chose my poem from the “Poetry In Voice” website. I ensured that the poem was a minimum of 25 lines, as well as making sure the lines were not too long. This helped me be able to memorize each line as they were shorter. When I looked at the actual content of the poem, I eliminated any poems which had use of many complex words. By making sure the bulk of my poem had more commonly used words, it helped me be able to memorize each line as they were less intricate.

Some in class activities that helped me prepare to present my poem is daily reciting to partner as well as reading it over and over. Although both strategies didn’t help me learn new lines, it did reinforce my memorization of the lines i had already learned previously.

Another strategy I employed outside of those taught in class to prepare for presenting this poem was writing it out. I wrote the poem out by hand over and over, each time adding a new line. This helped me learn new lines as well as reinforce my knowledge of lines I memorized.

Completing the paragraph write about my poem helped me present my poem by gaining a deeper understanding of the poem. Looking into each line of the poem I was able to better understand the meaning that the poet may be trying to portray. This process allowed me to express a more accurate representation/emotion of the poems meaning.

Core Competency Reflection

Critical and Reflective Thinking Prompts: I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is practicing my poem by reciting it to my partner during class. Each time I practiced, I worked towards being able to recite the poem without any prompts or ques.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility: When I need to boost my mood or refocus, I take a break from the assignment I am working on. I can do this by drinking water, eating a snack, going for a walk or spending time with my dog. I appreciate feedback on my work done in class or homework, so that I can learn from my mistakes and do better for next time. I prefer it comes in the form of where I went wrong and what I could do for next time to improve.