Reflecting on English Studies 12

My Artifact

Curricular Competency Reflection

By working on this podcast, I was able to develop many skills such a as time-management, script writing, and planning. This project supported me to develop time management because with the limited time to complete the project, I needed to ensure that my time was being used efficiently. I developed script writing skills, during the time spent making the components of the script. I also practiced my planning skills before the initial development of the script. This in turn also supported my time management.

I most proud of myself for producing a detailed script that included many different big ideas.

Something I learned that I can continue to work on beyond this course is how to properly space out my work times. Due to this project requiring lots of time to plan, construct, and record, I needed to ensure that I properly spaced out how I worked. When I was working on this project for a long period of time, i made sure that I took breaks. This allowed me to reset my mind and boost productivity and creativity.

Core Competency Reflection

I have valuable ideas to share about happiness and do so by using the opportunity in this assignment to speak about what i am passionate about. I am passionate about happiness because I think it is so important in building a valuable life.

I appreciate feedback on the writing assignments I complete, and prefer it comes in written form. This allows me to look back on the feedback for future references and not forget what areas I needed to improvement.

Trillium: Poetry In Voice Reflection

My Poem

Curricular Competency Reflection

I chose my poem from the “Poetry In Voice” website. I ensured that the poem was a minimum of 25 lines, as well as making sure the lines were not too long. This helped me be able to memorize each line as they were shorter. When I looked at the actual content of the poem, I eliminated any poems which had use of many complex words. By making sure the bulk of my poem had more commonly used words, it helped me be able to memorize each line as they were less intricate.

Some in class activities that helped me prepare to present my poem is daily reciting to partner as well as reading it over and over. Although both strategies didn’t help me learn new lines, it did reinforce my memorization of the lines i had already learned previously.

Another strategy I employed outside of those taught in class to prepare for presenting this poem was writing it out. I wrote the poem out by hand over and over, each time adding a new line. This helped me learn new lines as well as reinforce my knowledge of lines I memorized.

Completing the paragraph write about my poem helped me present my poem by gaining a deeper understanding of the poem. Looking into each line of the poem I was able to better understand the meaning that the poet may be trying to portray. This process allowed me to express a more accurate representation/emotion of the poems meaning.

Core Competency Reflection

Critical and Reflective Thinking Prompts: I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is practicing my poem by reciting it to my partner during class. Each time I practiced, I worked towards being able to recite the poem without any prompts or ques.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility: When I need to boost my mood or refocus, I take a break from the assignment I am working on. I can do this by drinking water, eating a snack, going for a walk or spending time with my dog. I appreciate feedback on my work done in class or homework, so that I can learn from my mistakes and do better for next time. I prefer it comes in the form of where I went wrong and what I could do for next time to improve.

Spoken Language 11 Debating

Presidential Debate Clipart | Free Images at – vector clip art online, royalty free & public domain

My Debate Topic: Drugs should be legal

Resolution: Individuals should have the right to determine which drugs they wish to consume without the threat of arrest of incarceration

Sophia Angelee
Sienna Eshana

In this debate, my some points which I argued was that drug epidemic in Canada is a growing problem. People who use drugs obtain them from drug dealers since they are illegal. But this is dangerous because often times, the substances are laced with other substances that the user is not aware of. Dealers do this to allow their clients to obtain a quicker high and get addicted so they come back. This is dangerous because if the wrong amounts are added in, it can quickly be fatal to the user. Anther point made was that people who use needles as a method of drug injection, sometimes wont properly dispose of it. This causes a hazard for others as needles can contain blood-borne disease like HIV. It was observed tat legalizing drugs decreased teen drug use, drug overdoses, and deaths in Portugal. Additionally. many leaders in ‘The Global Commission on Drug Policy’, have been promoting decriminalization of drugs and in 2014 recommended that governments legalize all drugs.

My Debate Reflection

What I realized I still need to work on through the debating unit is being more prepared. Early preparation of rebuttals and cross examination questions will allow me to flow through the debate without worrying about what I will be saying next. My strengths are finding solid examples that support my points. I found many examples in news articles, therefore, I could further explain my reasoning for the pro side. I am most proud of finding information and summarizing it all into a speech. I was able to explain my examples of support it.

My Favorite Quote

A side profile of a woman in a russet-colored turtleneck and white bag. She looks up with her eyes closed.

“It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it”

Joseph Joubert

Works Cited

Canada, H. (2022, December 22). Government of Canada. 

Canada, P. H. A. of. (2021, December 1). Government of Canada.  

CBC/Radio Canada. (2017a, February 1). “The War on Drugs is an abject failure”: Why this liberal MP thinks all drugs should be legalized | CBC News. CBCnews.  

CBC/Radio Canada. (2017b, November 7). How cities across Canada are dealing with discarded needles | CBC news. CBCnews. 

CBC/Radio Canada. (2020, June 11). Pandemic worsens Canada’s deadly opioid overdose epidemic | CBC News. CBCnews.  

Should drugs be legalized? legalization pros and cons. (n.d.).  

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2023, April 20). Drug use and viral infections (HIV, hepatitis) DrugFacts. National Institutes of Health.  

Core Competency Reflection

Communication: My strategies for collecting relevant information when I researched for my debate include talking to my debate partner and making sure our information lines up with each other. I also asked some of the helpers in the classroom for advice on my speech.

Collaboration: I knew my partner and I were working well together when one of us gave the other advice or talked about how we would write our speech, we were active listener and took each others advice.

Critical and Reflective Thinking: I used criteria and or feedback to improve my debate; evidence of that is when I followed the criteria in the teams post used to structure my speech. I also used my previous speech as a structure reference to write my speech.

Creative Thinking: When it seems the good ideas just wont come to me, I take a break by going on a walk to help calm myself or create space in my mind to help think of better ideas later on.

Core Competency Self-Assessment


Pig Dissection Lab

I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. I demonstrated this core competency in the lab when my lab partner and I split up tasks when prepping, doing, and cleaning up the lab. An example of this while prepping is one person goes to grab the tools and the other prepares the pig on the tray. An example of splitting tasks while doing the lab is one person is cutting while the other holds open the pig. Another example while cleaning up the lab is when one person is cleaning up and wrapping up the pig while the other is washing and putting away equipment.

A skill I gained during this lab was understanding the importance of preparation. Before we began the dissection, my partner and I ensured we had all the necessary equipment, so that our hands wouldn’t get the equipment table dirty. we used our phones to take pictures. We also put our phones in a plastic bag so that when our hands were dirty and we needed to access our phone, it wouldn’t get messy.

The Marrow Thieves: Personal Connection Piece

My Movie

Curricular Competency Reflection

My journals support my preparation for my final assessment by allowing me to remember some key ideas from the beginning of the novel, that I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to recall.

My graphic organizer helped me connect my novel to the subthemes by being able to organize all my thoughts. I was able to put my thoughts and mental notes about the book onto the page, so that I would not forget. I could visually see what information I knew and what info I should research a little deeper in.

Participating in the circle discussion helped me formulate my ideas for the essay write because I was able to experience different perspectives of viewing the book.

Application of all 3 strategies allowed me to get a better understanding of the varying aspects in the book.

I chose what I would do to create my personal connection piece by first considering all of the options, and deciding on the option where I could best relate to myself. I chose to do a small comic that highlighted some of the different scenes in the book which all had the underlying theme of ‘Loss/loss of culture’.

Core Competency Reflection

When I need to boost my mood or refocus, I like to ‘reset’ my mind/space. To reset my mind, I put away distractions (phone), drink water, wash my face with cold water, or go for a brief walk. To reset my work space, I tidy my desk so there is more room, pick up things off my floor and open a window for some fresh air.

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in emails and class. An example of when I do this is if I know I will be away in the future, I will email my teacher letting them know and keeping the message simple. In class I communicate to my teachers purposefully when I am unclear on a certain instruction or homework. I ask them my question while keeping it short and simple.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by asking questions to peers. Doing this can further understanding not just for myself but the surrounding people listening. When I or another person does this, it can open a new area for understanding of a certain topic, that could’ve gone unnoticed. New ideas in the conversation can possibly spark more new ideas.

Social Justice Core Competency Self-Assessment


An example of collaboration that we used in class is ‘the 60’s scoop gallery walk focus’. I demonstrated my collaboration skills by discussing with my partner different ideas for our project. We focused on how the indigenous community was affected through trauma. we talked about various ways to display our knowledge and agreed that a pamphlet would best demonstrate our learning. My abilities in collaboration would be to successfully communicate my opinions while also being open minded to others. An area for growth in this subject matter would be to assign roles of who is doing what. doing this can improve efficiency of work progress and could lead to less wasted time.

Research Assignment Reflection

What core competencies did I demonstrate with the Research Assignment?

I used the core competency collaborating, ‘I work with others to achieve a goal’. I demonstrated this when I was talking with my group members to come up with ideas and steps to take to finish our assignment. We collaborated by sharing a word document and everyone adding something to the final write up and conclusion about our findings in the survey.

A second core competency I demonstrated was social awareness and responsibility, ‘I am kind to others and support others when they need it’. I showed this when/if my group members needed some advice or proofreading of their work. If they asked a question, I would answer it to the best of my ability and if I did not know the answer, I could help look for resources on where to find it (teacher, textbook, OneNote, online)

another core competency I demonstrated was personal awareness and responsibility, ‘I use strategies to help me find peace and I sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle’. This core competency was applied to my life because at the time where the research assignment was due, I had homework and upcoming tests from other classes. I needed to make sure I balanced my life and prioritize what I needed to get done. I used class time efficiently and got as much quality work done as I could. after school, when I got home, I made sure to eat a balanced snack and rest my brain to do homework/study later. (small nap, walk, play with dog, call friends). I put away distractions and worked on my research assignment as well as work from other classes. after doing homework, I make sure to get some form of exercise in, whether that be walking, lifting weights or even just yoga/stretching, to wind down.


My future career path will be in the medical field. I want to become either a pediatrician, neonataologist, child nutritionist/dietician, criminal psychologist, or child occupational therapist. I want to be able to help people with their struggles and overcome them. Therefore, I want to go into a job that relates to the human body.

Core Competency Reflection

I deliberately learn about things that interest me and new ideas pop into my head. I demonstrate this when I watch youtube videos on how the humnan body works and crime shows because I wonder how they think.

I give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals. I chose this because I feel that I take constructive criticism well and I give feedback to others appropriately.

An I can statement that I could improve on is “I can reflect on my thinking”. I think about my actions and other peoples actions but I dont think I think about my thinking. In my head I should be more positive and that is something that I am working on.