
There are some pros and cons to having individual counters. Some pro’s would be that you would be able to quickly identify the context of the number you are counting. Some cons would be that having many counters can be confusing to learn. Also, if one person knew a counter for a particular thing and another person didn’t, their conversation could get confusing. There is a wide range of counters that can be used. One common counter is the 〜つ(tsu) counter. It can be used to count almost everything in Japanese. It is good to know for when you don’t know the counter to something, as it is very versatile. A common counter is the (えん)counter. This is used to count amount of yen and is the unit for Japanese currency. A someone what common counter is the (めい)counter. It is used to count number of people. Although there are other counters used to count people, this is more polite. It can not be used to count people as an order. Ex) the first person, the second person etc. This counter is only used to count the number of people. A rare but interesting counter is the (あく)counter. It is used to count handfuls of sand, powder, or rice. It is not used very common while speaking, but it can be nice to put in literature. A counter that is new is the (いてむ)counter. This counter is use to count items or products. While its usually read with Kango, the counting method can be used for one through three as well. A counter i wish existed in English is a day of the week and month counter. This would be beneficial because you would only need to learn the number that is related to the month or day of the week. English still works without it though because we have designated words for month or day of the week rather than numbers. I think Japan should get rid of most of the counters and keep some. By getting rid of some, there would less confusion. By keeping some, there would still be some distinguishing between common day to day things that need to be counted. For example, counters for people, age, animals etc should be kept, however very specific counters like ‘large surfaces that drape over wood and make loud noise’ (taiko counter) should be omitted. These specific counters can be replaced by other counters which are versatile and can be used in many different circumstances. By being selective of which counters are kept and which are gotten rid of, Japanese can become a simple language and easier to learn.

R3 – Japans Judicial System

What does justice mean to you?

Justice to me means providing a compromise to a person who experienced inequality or unfairness.

Do you agree with the treatment of convicts in Japan? How does this compare to their treatment in Canada?

I do not agree with the treatment of convicts in Japan. It differs from the treatment in Canada, because there are longer detainment periods. They also play their justice system by the idea of guilty until proven innocent.

How do the ideas in the video compare with your previous ideas of Japan?

The ideas in the video changed my previous views of japan. I was not aware before, that the Japanese criminal justice system was harsher than canadas. People always say that Japanese people are very polite and nice, although this can be true, the criminal justice system is not as nice as Canadas.

How do Japanese ideas of justice affect the anime or manga that you consume?

I think it allows me to gain a deeper understanding than before of how system work and how it differs from Canada.


The aspects of learning Japanese that have been easy is following grammar using grammar points as a guide. Some aspects that can be more challenging is memorizing vocab words and kanji. After taking Japanese for a few years, my expectations have changed when I realized that being able to fluently read Japanese will take time because there is a wide range of kanji to be learnt. I am continuing to work towards my goal of being able to have conversations without being confused and being able to read day to day kanji in japan by practicing my kanji and studying for tests. Currently i am working on my Japanese goals outside of class by practicing my conversational skills with my family and applying words learnt in class to those conversations.




アドバイス 1:


アドバイス 2:


アドバイス 3:

“あなたはしつれいです。“ “あなたわもう私のともだちじゃない。“ “わたしははらがたつします。“ “私はあなたを許すしない。“がっかりしてる。“ “さそうのカードは ‘しろいふくをきないでください。‘ がかいた、でもあなたはまだしろをきりました。“

アドバイス 4: 


アドバイス 5:


R1 – うらない

Looking at my own horoscope, blood type, and personality test, I think some of the information given is accurate, yet some is not. I have never been judged based on my horoscope, blood type, or personality test. I think that these fortunes are still popular today because people may want to feel a sense of identity, and knowing your fortunes could help them gain a better understanding. I don’t normally believe in superstitions, but I have always been told never to open an umbrella indoors as a kid and so I’ve lived by that ever since.

Reflecting on English Studies 12

My Artifact

Curricular Competency Reflection

By working on this podcast, I was able to develop many skills such a as time-management, script writing, and planning. This project supported me to develop time management because with the limited time to complete the project, I needed to ensure that my time was being used efficiently. I developed script writing skills, during the time spent making the components of the script. I also practiced my planning skills before the initial development of the script. This in turn also supported my time management.

I most proud of myself for producing a detailed script that included many different big ideas.

Something I learned that I can continue to work on beyond this course is how to properly space out my work times. Due to this project requiring lots of time to plan, construct, and record, I needed to ensure that I properly spaced out how I worked. When I was working on this project for a long period of time, i made sure that I took breaks. This allowed me to reset my mind and boost productivity and creativity.

Core Competency Reflection

I have valuable ideas to share about happiness and do so by using the opportunity in this assignment to speak about what i am passionate about. I am passionate about happiness because I think it is so important in building a valuable life.

I appreciate feedback on the writing assignments I complete, and prefer it comes in written form. This allows me to look back on the feedback for future references and not forget what areas I needed to improvement.

Law- Criminal Inquiry Project

This project included the topic of psychological reasons behind why people will commit crimes. Some big ideas included in the presentation was necessity, anger, stigma, mental illness, connections with drugs and alcohol, as well as social environment. I provided an explanation as to how these big ideas are connected to the reasons why people commit crimes. I also provided a solution to these reasons and possible ways to prevent crime in the long run, in addition to that i also provided reasons as to why these solutions may not work or may not be realistic.

Core Competency Reflection

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is reading over the rubric before starting my research project. This ensures that i included most/all necessary points in my presentation. I also read over the rubric when I am done my project to ensure that I am not missing anything.

When I need to boost my mood or refocus, I will take a break from the work I am doing. In my break, I can get a glass of water, eat a snack, go for a walk, nap or play with my dog. Then I can go back to my work feeling more refreshed and ready to put my best foot forward. I often do this if I am feeling overwhelmed from my homework or studying.

I appreciate feedback on my work and ways I can improve and prefer it comes in the form of writing. Feedback coming back in the form of writing allows me to look back on it in the case that I forget. If I forget what I need to work on, then it can make it hard to improve upon myself or my work. This is why feedback in writing is beneficial to me as I can refer to it.

Example of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in this project when I provided my research evidence. I demonstrated what I knew about the big ideas, based on my research that I found. I ensured that I was communicated purposefully by keeping the amount of wording on my slides to a minimum. I did this by excluding the use of many filler words and concentrating the amount of research information.

One goal I have for myself going forward is “I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work;”. I plan to improve upon this by looking over and reviewing the criteria sheet during the time I am working on my project.

Chemistry 12 Core Competency Reflection

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is during the Lab 19c: Determination of a Solubility Product Constant. I demonstrated this core competency when my partner and I took turns working through the procedure. My lab partner and I both contributed to make progress in the lab and ensure all steps were taken thoroughly. We used the online lab provided from one note to properly follow the instructions.

IDS Inquiry Reflection

What is your Inquiry Question? Has the focus of your inquiry shifted or changed since you wrote your Personal Learning Plan? Explain. 
Yes, it was originally how does what we eat affect us but I changed it to …  
How do common household items affect us?  
How is your time management? Are you using CENT time weekly to work on your Inquiry, or are you finding other time during the week? 
Honestly answering this question, I feel that I could be more productive with the work I’m producing and use my time more efficiently. I feel though that at home when I try to work on my project, that I end up working on or studying for something in another class. But my goal for the next few weeks is to prioritize this project and work on it a little bit every day.  
What resources (people, websites, apps, videos, etc.) have been most helpful? 
When I am researching my project, I find that websites are very helpful to me. There isnt one specifically that I have in mind but I use google to help me find information 
What challenges are you currently facing with your Inquiry? What challenges have you overcome? 
A challenge I am currently facing is how I feel I am behind on my project, but I have set a goal to work on it a little bit every day. A challenge I had was how I did not enjoy researching my last inquiry project, but I overcame it by changing it and redirecting myself in another direction.  
Describe your growth of a Core Competency through this inquiry process. 
Personal awareness and responsibility: I demonstrate this because I am aware of how much progress I have made in my project. I am aware that I am responsible for my own project, and I must take responsibility for myself in order to finish my project 
How will you share what you have been learning, creating or planning in this Inquiry? Are you on track to share your learning by the end of May or early June? 
I will share my learning by making a small flip book to display all the different toxic items with toxic ingredients 
Will you continue working on this Inquiry, or parts of it, for your Capstone next year? 
I can add more toxic items that are bad for your body or go more in depth about how each one affects you 

RSelf Study

What I did well this course was that I always finished my homework. I think to improve my study habits, I should make sure to complete or at least partially complete homework or studying a couple days before the due date.

To celebrate my accomplishments such as productively studying, I eat good food. Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are stretch for a few minutes before bed and then make sure to get enough restful sleep the night before an important academic event (test). When faced with ambiguity or setbacks, I take a break from what I am doing by going on a walk or playing with my dog and then continue what I was doing to advance the development of my ideas.

I will continue my Japanese language acquisition over the year by talking on the phone with my family in Japan and maybe go to Japan.

If I could travel back in time, some study or language advice I would give to myself or others is to make sure you start studying early instead of cramming the night before because it helps to memorize more information. I would also say to revise previous course material from the year before.