English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact Curricular Competency Reflection Create and Communicate: What did you learn about Indigenous themes, issues, or perspectives during this assignment or task and how did you grow in your writing, speaking, or representing skills?  In the process of creating this infographic for the main character in “The Mountain Legend” by Jordan Wheeler I believe I gained […]

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication and Thinking I chose communication as one of the core competencies that best connected to my dichotomous key button project because of the group aspect. I displayed communication through asking questions, listening to my peers and working well with my partner. Communication is a critical part of group work because without it, the end […]

Spanish 10 Core Competency Reflection

Thinking Skills I demonstrated my critical thinking skills when creating my Spanish Family Project. We were asked to create a PowerPoint of four family members plus yourself as well as a family tree. My thinking skills were a great asset to me for this assignment because it helped me to overcome any struggles I may […]