Law- Separation Agreement

Divorce Artifact

This is a section of our agreement

About the activity

My partner and I each got assigned a certain person who wanted certain things from the divorce. Our goal was to try to win them as many things as they wanted. We came up with an agreement by negotiating for the things we wanted.

Core Competency Reflection

I can think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it – I chose this one because I needed to have had a plan about what I was going to say when we began negotiating and how to fight back if they argued with me.

I can work with others to achieve a goal – I chose this one because the whole point of this project was to have a separation agreement by the end. Somethings one partner was happy with but the other wasn’t so we had to renegotiate to try to find a middle ground.

I can be kind to others, and support others when they need it – My partner and I both struggle at some points not to be rude, however, I feel I was kind when asking for things and tried to accommodate my partner if they weren’t the happiest.

I can advocate for myself – Pretty much through the entire project we were advocating for ourselves as we were trying to come up with a way to get what we wanted to keep during the divorce.

I can use strategies to help me find peace and sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. – I want to work towards this as I sometimes feel overwhelmed with my projects and don’t know where to being. I am also very busy so I lot of the time I am staying up late at night to finish it and then falling asleep during class. I need to take a step back and see what needs to change in my life for me to become more successful and have a happier life.


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