Law- Separation Agreement

Divorce Artifact

This is a section of our agreement

About the activity

My partner and I each got assigned a certain person who wanted certain things from the divorce. Our goal was to try to win them as many things as they wanted. We came up with an agreement by negotiating for the things we wanted.

Core Competency Reflection

I can think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it – I chose this one because I needed to have had a plan about what I was going to say when we began negotiating and how to fight back if they argued with me.

I can work with others to achieve a goal – I chose this one because the whole point of this project was to have a separation agreement by the end. Somethings one partner was happy with but the other wasn’t so we had to renegotiate to try to find a middle ground.

I can be kind to others, and support others when they need it – My partner and I both struggle at some points not to be rude, however, I feel I was kind when asking for things and tried to accommodate my partner if they weren’t the happiest.

I can advocate for myself – Pretty much through the entire project we were advocating for ourselves as we were trying to come up with a way to get what we wanted to keep during the divorce.

I can use strategies to help me find peace and sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. – I want to work towards this as I sometimes feel overwhelmed with my projects and don’t know where to being. I am also very busy so I lot of the time I am staying up late at night to finish it and then falling asleep during class. I need to take a step back and see what needs to change in my life for me to become more successful and have a happier life.

Conics Project: Demos Self Portrait

For this project, we were required to make a self-portrait using the graph functions we had learned this year. We were allowed to trace our portrait using a photo of ourselves from our camera roll. I had chosen a photo of myself as a guide not realizing how difficult it would be to make my hair. My hair alone took me over 3 hours as I had to do every little section piece by piece. It was very time-consuming and the only way for me to get the look I wanted. I had to use liner, cubic, parabolas and cos x functions. However, once I got the look I was looking for I was relieved and happy to be done with it. I also added some extra details to my portrait such as a necklace as I was wearing one in the photo and thought I should include it. As well as doing every individual tooth as I am smiling and at first was only going to draw one parabola across and not show my teeth. When I started to do my teeth though it looked good so I did the whole thing. To get the exact colour of my eyes, skin, and shirt I used an eyedropper tool that gave me the colour and I just typed it in to the system for the part I needed it for. My eye outline was probably the easiest for me to draw as I have almond shaped eyes and I only needed to use two parabolas for each eye. I decided to only fill my lips, eyes and eyebrows in as I had originally planned to fill in my hair as well, but I did not want to loose out on the detail I had added to it. So I just left the outline. I also realized that once you had run out of lower case letters you could use capital letters for when you type in the colour or when filling in a facial feature. For my nose I used a hyperbola for the structure of the upper part of my noes and the two circles which I restricted to make semicircles and at the bottom a cos x function. The noes took some time to get right I do think the finial nose turned out great. It was difficult to place the nose in the right place as my face is not centred in the middle of the graph and so the nose had to be a little of centred. I also used more than what was needed for the required graphs like two hyperbolas, and five circles. I feel I have done a great job with making this portrait look similar to me and I think it was really cool to know that I could make a whole self portrait of myself using only graphs.

Chemistry 11 Core Competency Reflection

Titration Conclusion:

The purpose of this lab was to use the technique known as titration to find out the concentration of certain substances. The molarity of a standard solution is reacted with a solution of an unknown concentration. Acid-base titrations involve a neutralization between aqueous hydrogen and hydroxide ions. The hydroxide ions from the NaOH solution react with a 1-to-1 ratio of H ions from HCl to form neutral water molecules. To indicate the number of moles of acids equals the number of moles of bases we use phenolphthalein. This is known as the equivalence point. For my results in this lab, I first found the NaOH to find the moles of HCl then used moles over litters to figure out my molarity. I got 0.152M as my HCl.

My Refection:

After watching Ms. Borges show us how to do the lab I was very scared to do this lab as we only were able to ask Ms. Borges 2 questions before she docked marks. Luckily, my partner and I were able to pull it off and finish the lab within the first day. We had some troubles at first with getting the correct concentration. But once we did, we were able to get a very light pink colour that lasted 30 seconds.


I chose to reflect on my communication skills for this Lab because I believe my partner and I were able to talk with each other about what needed to be done for this Lab. As we were going through the lab and after we set everything up we started our experiment. I calculated all the volumes as we were told only one of us should so the recordings are more accurate. Loreen and I spoke to each other as each one of us poured NaOH into the solution so we could see if we could get light pink that would last in colour. We also made sure to listen to each other when one of us said to start adding half drops. Loreen and I worked well together because we talked to each other throughout the experiment and were able to achieve a light pink-coloured solution.

Spanish 11 Core Competency Self Assessment

For this assignment, we were asked to create a script about Romeo Y Julieta. My Group and I worked well together and were able to finish are script within the time frame given and meet all the criteria. We all communicated with each other well and made sure to give one another a chance to speak. However, I do wish I would have said more as I feel like a could’ve added more to the script. For next time, I want to focus on talking more to add my thoughts to the script. I also want to make sure we have enough time to read the script before handing it in so we can check that we have everything needed and that it makes sense. Overall I am pleased with how this assignment turned out.

Cooking at home: Option 1

Today I decided I wanted to make homemade mac and cheese. I looked in our pantry and saw we had a little bit left of this swirly type of pasta so that’s what I used. Then I grabbed so shredded cheese and non-sheredded so I could have two different types of cheese. I began boiling some water and I new to add in the pasta when I could hear the roaring sound of the bubble bursting at the surface. Once the pasta was nicely cooked I strained it and added in my soft and silky cheese along with some milk and creamy butter. I stirred it until it was all combined and had a nice stringy cheese pull to the noodles. I put it in a pan and covered it with more cheese and some bread crumbs. I took the mac and cheese out when I could hear the bread crumb sizzle and the cheese and tope were nicely coloured. I did not use a recipe and had so much fun making this by just eyeballing everything. I’m so happy it turned out great and tasted so delicious. I had to overcome almost cutting myself on a cheese greater though because my hand slipped, but after that everything went smoothly. I could definitely see myself making this dish again, the only thing I would do differently would be to add more cheese next time.

Cooking at Home: Building your skills – Technique #4

For this lab, I really wanted to challenge myself by making something that takes a lot of effort and time. I made macarons for the first time, and it turned out great. The reason I wanted to make macarons was because there the first thing I want to get for dessert and since they are so so delicious to eat. I also, thought that if I could make them at home I would be able to save my parents a lot of money because macarons are expensive. The recipe I used was from a website called Tasty, who I’ve actually heard about before and makes lots of different recipes and videos on food. The recipe was very straight through and detailed. If I could go back and give myself some advice before I made the macrons I would say read the instructions properly maybe a few times and don’t over mix the mixture. also, for anyone else who wanted to make macarons, I would say go for it just don’t be intimidated.

This recipe took me two and a half hours to make because there was a lot of waiting time. Almost half the time is waiting. At one point into making the macarons, I overmixed the egg whites so I couldn’t add in the sugar that I needed too. So, I had to restart my egg whites. But that’s the only thing I had trouble with. I was very happy when the macarons came out, they did not rise that much but a was so pound of myself for even attempting these. I also had so much fun making buttercream frosting for the middle of the macarons that I had never made. The flavor was a vanilla macaron with vanilla buttercream frosting. I will definitely make these again and again and try to make them perfect. Next time, I want to experiment with different flavors, maybe a salted caramel or strawberry.

This is before I cooked the macarons
This is after the macarons cooked for about 17 minutes at 300 degrees Fahrenheit

Safety and Sanitation

I made banana muffins and added chocolate chips into it, after Mrs. Labossiere said it was okay. I was really excited to make the muffins because I have made them at home and they are amazing. I was really good at making sure the ingredients were all measured out. but I struggled with putting in and taking out the muffins because I am really scared of heat. I was very concerned about the egg in the batter but is just cooks into it I was also nevus to eat banana in it since I hate bananas but once I added chocolate in it tasted delicious , i tried to keep my station as clean as possible by keeping wiping the tables and regularly washing my hands after I touched things like raw egg. I had so much fun making it.

these are the best muffins

Jenise Ville, Our Utopian City

Jenna and I worked very hard on this project and are excited to share it with you.


Nature- An important value to us is the appearance of the world and having a lot of greenery in it. In our project, we have made sure that there’s lots of open space of greenery and we did this, so it creates a calming environment for everyone. When sienna was little, her parents took her to lots of greenery parks and told her to enjoy it because they predicted that they wouldn’t have such parks like this when they were older. We would like the children to experience something more than technology.
Happiness/Joy- One thing we want and believe in our city is to have contentment and joy. We both didn’t have the happiest lifestyle growing up and we think everyone should live with something good because otherwise, you would just be sad. We want them to have a cheerful and bright childhood and they could always look back on their past and think about all its wonders. 
Peace- Peace is a big thing for our community. We don’t want any wars or fights happening. There would be a wavier handed to everyone who lives in Jenise Ville saying that this is a peaceful land and they can’t make it unpeaceful or purposefully make it unsafe. This is important to sienna because her great grandfather fought in world war 2 and sadly passed. This is the main reason why we think peace is very important and plays such a big role in sienna’s life and would play in our city. 
Welcoming- We thought it would make everyone feel more welcomed and accepted to have a safe place to go once a week with a group of people experiencing the same things as another. We would have an LGBTQ+, recovering addicts, teen moms, etc… Groups. This helps people know that they always have someone who cares and is going through the same thing, so they understand you. When Jenna was in middle school, she was put into girls’ group and it would help her with whatever problems she was facing so, we wanted to interpret that into our city.
Family- In our world/town, we wanted it to be a close community where children can play without having the feeling of it being too unsafe. The way we designed our town is having the houses be built as a neighborhood and have our greenery park to be right by the neighborhood. We would also want families to try and stay as close as possible so every Friday at the community center, they would host a family night with games, movies and fun activities. We both think family is important, so we wanted our community to be close to theirs. 


School – we have a school because we want kids to socialize with other kids and get to know the community. 
Nature/garden place– this is where people come to see all the beautiful plants and people get to immure it.
A community center and a community square– we have put down a community center because this is where people can sign up for activities and meet new people. Also, we have a community square where people come to meet one another. One of our main focuses at Jenise Ville is to welcome everyone and make them feel like they’re part of a family.
Housing– all houses are close to one another so you can meet new people and there is more space for nature to grow. Also, all housing in Jenise Ville is very affordable and we encourage most people once they’ve gotten to know one another to carpool, walk or bike places in Jenise Ville. 

My Tribute Costume

This is my tribute costume

This costume is the outfit that I would want to be wearing if I were going into the Hunger Games. Firstly, I am wearing a black and gray bodysuit that I chose to give me warmth for the night and keep me cool through the day. I also have blue and black shoulder pads on to protect me from the other districts injuring me. My hair is blonde so that in the dark it could give me so light because it would be able to glow. Furthermore, I have a gray necklace on to remind me of my mother since gray is her favorite colour when I feed sad during the games. I would also have some dark angle wings so I could fly through the air over all my other competiters. In addition, I would have an utility belt with all the items I need like a flashlight, a thin blanket, a nife and a box of granola bars. My nails would be short so they would’nt get in the way of anything or collect dirt. On my feet I would have some comfy shoes so my feet would’nt be in pain. Lastly, I would have a pet raven who would spy on the other people in the area, and give me where they are hiding. My outfit would benifit my in so many different ways.

I am a confident, creative, smart girl who loves to design different things. This project was so much fun to be able to create a outfit for my charater to go into the hunger games. I was able to generate my ideas through really crictical thinking and making my costume. I also enjoyed being able to create my own costume and create it how it repesents me. Next time we do another project like this I would like to use a more complex website to make my charater. Also I learned that I can make my own character and found out how to do it as well.